Chapter Seven

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A/N:  Finally getting another upload out there. This chapter is a bit longer. I hope it’s up to standards because I had a harder time writing this. Only a few more chapters left….it’s a short fic, sorry! Thanks so much for everything. Enjoy!

Warnings: Scene of violence, slight mention of blood


                “Do I really look terrible, Harry?”

                Louis and Harry had started to walk into town more to head to Bobby’s, but they stayed silent. Harry wasn’t too fond of the silence. Since this was probably his only chance to talk to Louis, he wanted there to be conversation between them, but he couldn’t complain because he was so happy that Louis even agreed to come. But now when they were just heading up to the shop, Louis finally asked that question.

                “Oh, yeah, you look horrible,” Harry replied back sarcastically, laughing some.

                “Really?” Louis asked with a hint of surprise in his voice, but he wasn’t laughing. He was taking this seriously.

                “No, no….” Harry finally said, his voice trailing off as they reached Bobby’s. “What you look is…tired. That’s all.” He reached for the door handle before Louis could and quickly opened the door for him. Louis smiled politely as he entered the small restaurant and looked around.

                Harry walked in and immediately stopped when he saw how different the placed looked. When he and Louis were younger and came here all the time, the place was an actual restaurant, a little hamburger and milkshake joint. Now it was a sports bar, with a loud and dark atmosphere. He didn’t like it as much. His thoughts were interrupted though as he heard a phone ringing, and he looked over to see Louis pulling out his cell phone. There was a picture on the front of Louis with a guy, but before he could speculate anything, Louis ignored the call and pocketed his cell phone again. He looked up at Harry and flashed him an innocent grin. Harry glanced over and smiled in surprise. “Look!” he cheerfully said. “Those are our stools. They kept the same stools.”

                Louis glanced over to where Harry was pointing and he saw the stools lined up against the bar and he smiled and nodded. They were the same old stools with the same old brown leather seating. It was the only thing that hadn’t been changed about the restaurant it seemed. Harry grabbed onto Louis’ hand and pulled him through a small crowd of people before they were at the bar. Only two stools were preoccupied at the moment and Harry walked up to those. A man with long blonde hair and big muscles sat in one, and a tiny woman with short brown hair sat next to him. They were close and whispering to each other, obviously flirting, but Harry didn’t care. He tapped the man on the shoulder. “Hey, pal,” he said politely. “Do you mind moving over a couple of stools?”

                The guy spun around in his stool and looked at Harry incredulously. “Why?” he asked.

                “Well, you’re not going to believe it, but years ago this used to be a little restaurant,” Harry replied back. “And those…” he said, pointing to the two stools the couple was sitting in. “Were our stools,” he finished, then pointing at Louis. “Would it be okay if you just moved over?”

                The man glanced back at Louis, who was staring apologetically back at him, before he turned around and faced Harry again. “No,” he said. “It wouldn’t be okay.” He turned his stool back around then to face the lady he was with.

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