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A/N:   Well, this fic has come to an end. I really hope you enjoyed it, and I’m so thankful to everyone who read it. Thank you so much! I’m so sorry for the cheesy ending, I wasn’t sure what else to write, but I hope you liked it. As usual, I didn’t proofread so sorry for any mistakes. 


                Louis headed inside of the small café in town that was the new local hangout for all the young people. It wasn’t his place of choice, but it would work for what he needed. He kicked the dirt off his shoes when he entered before looking up, seeing the blonde man sitting at a table, drinking coffee. Louis headed over to the table and smiled politely at him. “Hello,” he said as he took a seat across from him.

                Niall looked up from the newspaper he was reading and smiled widely at Louis. “Nice to see you again!” he cheerfully replied back. “Glad you could make it.”

                “Me too,” Louis agreed. “Thanks for meeting me here.”

                “Yeah, sure,” Niall replied.

                “It’s been so long…” Louis started slowly. He paused and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to start the small talk. It was just terrible. He hated it and was never good at it. “Look, um,” he said instead, deciding to just get down to business. “Niall, I’m afraid I’ve just been making messes.”

                Niall inhaled deeply and nodded. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve had somewhat of a rough year,” he said.

                And what Niall said was true. Louis had to deal with his parents brief marital problems that they eventually worked out, and he had to deal with his father’s sickness and his passing. On top of that, Harry’s antics were at the top of his worry list for a while, and include all the stress James brought along just topped everything off. Since his father’s passing, things eased up a bit though. Louis had tipped to the police that James might have been involved with Chase’s murder, and they found enough evidence and had him arrested. Since then, Louis had not spoken to James once, and he considered them done forever. Louis and his mother were finally starting to move on.

                “Who did you hear that from?” Louis asked, his tone sounding a bit surprised.

                Niall shrugged and sighed. “From Harry,” he said, not able to lie.

                “Harry…yeah…” Louis said back slowly, nodding a bit. He looked down to the table for a bit, thinking about if he was really going to do this or not. Harry caused a lot of problems for him, but he also caused a lot of problems for him as well. “He’s actually the reason I called you,” he said as he looked back up to the blonde man. “I’ve just been feeling so bad lately about all the terrible things that have happened to him because of me,” he started. “I know that he stayed with you when he was here, so I figured you two would be in touch.” Louis chuckled a bit. “I don’t even know why he liked me,” he suddenly blurted out.

                Niall’s eyes widened in surprise from that. “Liked you?” he asked back, laughing some himself. “This kid was crazy about you!”

                Louis winced a bit at the choice of words but laughed none the less. “Look, um,” he started again. “If you talk to him, will you tell him how sorry I am?” He knew it was a terrible apology, but it was better than no apology. He hated that he couldn’t tell Harry that himself, but he had no clue how to get in touch with him.

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