Ichigo Kurosaki

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I leave the hospital the next morning.I walk down to my quarters and see Orin's picture sitting around lit candles. I kneel before his picture and see his Zanpakto sitting in front of the picture.
"I promised you when we were kids that I would protect you. I was supposed to die first, since I was the older sibling. But now here we are, you are gone and I am still here. Orin why did you leave me?" I cry. I feel a hand gently grabbing my left shoulder.
"I bet his last thoughts were of you." The gentle voice says. I barely turn my head and Toshiro stands there with his hand on my shoulder. I do not push him away.
"All he wanted was to be a great soul reaper. Now look at where we are now. His body was buried when I was passed out and I never got to say goodbye" I cry out. Toshiro turns me towards him.
"Don't blame yourself. Nothing you could of done would change it." He hugs me tightly. I never realised that Toshiro has feelings before. I look up at him and he looks at me with his soft icy blue eyes.
"It's going to be alright Kina. It's going to be alright" He whispers.

Toshiro Hitsugaya's pov.

I don't like seeing Kina so upset. She lost her brother and never got to say her goodbyes.
"We can visit him if you want" I tell Kina. She looks up at me, her eyes now red and puffy from her crying, her skin as white as snow and I can feel her shaking in my grip.
"Thank you" She sniffles. I pull her up and we walk to the graveyard. We walk past the deputy soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki.
"Kina you go ahead. I just need to talk to Ichigo for a moment" I say. Kina nods and walks off with her head bowed down.
"Ichigo what's wrong?" I ask the orange spiked haired human soul reaper.
"Oh nothing Toshiro, I just heard that Kina lost her brother a few days ago. I came to pay my respects" Ichigo smiles.
"It's not Toshiro. For the last time it's Captain Hitsugaya" I growl. Ichigo bursts out laughing and I glare at him.We walk side by side towards the graveyard.
"So Kina learned Bankai?" Ichigo gasps.
"Yes. It's strange since she didn't even start learning how to summon her full force into Shriymana." I explain. We stop outside the graveyard doors and look in.
"Kina?" I call out. Silence. I walk into the graveyard and call out Kina's name.
"It feels like her spirit energy just vanished" Ichigo says with a confused look on his face.
"That's impossible. Kina wouldn't hide herself from anyone" I shout. I stand in front of Orin's grave. I look down and see Kina's pink ribbon sitting on the headstone.
"Oh no" I gasp. Ichigo runs up tome.
"What's wrong Toshiro?" He asks with a panicking tone. I pick up the ribbon and show it to him.
"Someone took her" I growl.

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