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The court official took one look at the orders printed on the papers in his hand and shuddered. As the Chief Official to the honored Elven King and Queen it was in his hands that all important matters were carried out. Never before had he hated his position as passionately as he did now. The name of the deadliest warrior to ever grace the Court stood out in bold flowing print, mocking him.

Jasmina Blackblade of the Dragon Hunter Clan.

The only offspring of two of the clan's most prolific warriors in Elven history. The clan itself had been founded by a great warrior during the past great wars in which the dragons had been battled and eventually exterminated, Drakos Blackblade. Drakos Blackblade had won the war almost singlehandedly, gathering the elite of the remaining army and banding them together to form the Dragon Hunter Clan. As the only living descendent of her untainted bloodline to date Jasmina more than honored her Clan and the founder with her many achievements.

And now the King and Queen had seemingly randomly decided to recall General Blackblade from war at the borders for the sole purpose of guarding their beloved daughter as she traveled from the capitol to their summer palace in the southern province. While the matter would surely be important to the King and Queen as the Princess was their only child the General Blackblade would not be amused. In fact, she would be livid.

General Blackblade was going to kill him for this indignity regardless of any punishment she might get, which was slight for so great a warrior.

The Court Official was very certain of it, of his impending death at the hands of Jasmina Blackblade. He wondered fleetingly if he could see his family once more before his death. Surely they would grant this one wish.


Jasmina Blackblade scowled as she stalked down the corridor. Her heavy boots thumped and echoed as her sword and daggers clinked musically. Dressed in thick chain mail and strong elven forged silver armor and leather with her silver plumed helmet in one gloved hand General Jasmina Blackblade was a terrifying figure as her black embroidered cloak billowed out from behind her. All the guards stationed in the high halls snapped to attention as she passed by, the salute acknowledging her pure blood and honored position as the ruling General of the Elven armies.

Without knocking Jasmina threw the heavily decorated doors open and marched in, ignoring the startled cries of the other lords and ladies in the court paying homage to the King and Queen. Once she was at the foot of the twin thrones Jasmina did a quick formal military salute, only barely suppressing her sneer as the young lords eyed her form and the ladies cast disdainful stares. While Jasmina was revered as a living legend by many the pampered lords and ladies of court were not numbered among them.

"Sire, I would like to respectfully question this." Jasmina held up the sheets of papers. While she would have loved to vent her frustration on the clerk it was unjust so she showed mercy. "Is this the only reason I was recalled from the front lines of war? To play at babysitting, a thing that any of the lesser generals are capable of?"

"Beware of what words drip from your mouth," the King snapped, offended, as he stood. His elegant embroidered silk robes falling into place softly. "Are you refusing a royal decree?"

"My place is at war," Jasmina seethed, her fist clenching. This was disastrous, Jasmina's obsession with the princess was deeply inappropriate and close contact would only make it worse for her. She had to stop this before it got out of hand. "I was bred for it. Would you deny me my birthright?"

"By the Stars, no," the Queen all but leapt from her throne like a flighty bird. "We meant no offense to your most honored and sacred blood. Your clan is the foundation of our kingdom, the corner stone that stands strong through the ages. Is it so much to ask? That our mightiest warrior guard our only heir on her journey? Who better to guard the Princess Xandria than our Kingdom's greatest general, Jasmina Blackblade of the Dragon Hunter Clan?"

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