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Xandria had no idea how long she'd slept but when she felt the strange sensation of being carried she fully awakened. When she did she blushed heavily. The General was carrying her with ease. With her head tucked securely in the crook of the General's neck Xandria's legs were draped over one hard arm and the other arm supported her back as she was carried up the stairs to a room.

"I know you're awake," the General whispered softly. "Why do you act as if you were still sleeping?"

"I don't know." She muttered after her furious blush had settled.

"Yes, you do." Jasmina unlocked the door without letting go of Xandria. "Am I so fearsome that you do not wish to tell me?"

"No, you're not that terrible. But I fear I would embarrass myself should I speak my mind." Xandria felt safe, cradled as she was in the General's arms.

"What could possibly embarrass a princess?"

Jasmina locked the door once they had entered. Setting the princess upon the bed gently Jasmina was about to draw back when soft small hands clung to her neck. Turning her head Jasmina was surprised to find Xandria's face so close to her own. It seemed a dream when petal soft lips met her own.

It wasn't a rough kiss but rather a gentle, seeking kiss. A kiss of lovers just beginning to know each other intimately. And it was innocent.

"You have no reason to ever be embarrassed of that," Jasmina said softly after the kiss had ended. Her heart was pounding and she felt hot with desire.

"I've wanted to do that for a long while now General Blackblade. I only detained because I thought you would not reciprocate." Xandria felt the blush creep up her neck and settle in her cheeks.

Jasmina cupped Xandria's cheek ever so gently. Awed that she would want a battered and beaten warrior when she could have any lord or lady at her beck and call. Further, Jasmina was amazed that Xandria seemed to enjoy her touch.

"Be sure Princess Xandria that this be not some passing fancy or whim." Jasmina warned. If this was just an experiment she feared that her heart would be wounded and broken beyond repair. "If we do this you must know that I will never let you go. I have waited far too long as it is. You are a very beautiful and desirable woman and I have wanted you for years."

Xandria whimpered as she felt her core grow wet. Was this real, she wondered, could her fantasy really come true? Could she have the warrior that she had lusted for and grew to love from a distance? There was only one way to know.

"This isn't an experiment," Xandria pressed herself closer to the hard body of the General. "I want all you can give General."

"Jasmina," the General corrected gently. "If you are to be my lover you should call me by my given name. But first, I am filthy. I will send for a bath, after that we can play to your heart's content my beautiful Xandria."

Xandria nodded eagerly as she released Jasmina from her tight hold. Watching as Jasmina stood to her full height Xandria felt a deep fissure of lust skate down her spine, how she loved that Jasmina was so much taller and bigger than she was. It was arousing and sent a warm feeling of being protected to her heart.

"Stay in the room," Jasmina warned as she checked the locks on the windows.

Coming back to the bed Jasmina leaned down to kiss Xandria's full lips and whisper a promise that she would be back soon in Xandria's ear before going out to find the innkeeper.

It seemed only a short while before Jasmina strode back into the room and on her heels were servant boys burdened with full buckets of steaming water and a large tub. Dumping the water into the tub one by one until it was full they backed out of the room. The whole time Jasmina had stood in front of Xandria, unwilling to let the servant boys to see what was hers.

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