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The massive black dragon circled a rather large meadow, the other much smaller dragons following his lead. The gusts raised by their wings caused the trees to bend and sway alarmingly. With such a gathering of dragons it was like a mighty dust storm.

My lord, a massive brown dragon bowed deeply, his wings fanning out behind him in respect. I request permission to scout the area for a likely prisoner to interrogate. Perhaps the prisoner will know the location of our queen.

The black dragon growled menacingly as he bared his gleaming white fangs and serrated teeth, not pleased to be reminded that his queen had been kidnapped from under his very nose. Granted. Stay hidden, the foul creatures must not know that we are near. Our presence must be kept secret.

The brown dragon nodded before nipping another dragon to accompany him.

The black dragon Mallor gazed at his gathered legion, every single dragon assembled were infuriated that their future queen had been stolen. And every single dragon was more than determined to find her and rip her kidnappers to tiny pieces. He, himself, wanted to shred anyone that touched his queen.

He remembered well the gut wrenching fear and helplessness he and his host, Jasmina, had felt. They had both fallen under their gentle Dove's spell, her peace, her fire that burned bright with life and happiness, her shrewd mind that could assess any problem. All of it drew them both to her. Their chosen mate, their queen. The ache of not knowing where she was, if she was hurt, if she was frightened; it all was far too much to contemplate. Added to it was the ache of being so alone and without Xandria that made both Mallor and Jasmina irritable and quick tempered. The need to find her was fast becoming overwhelming.

Watching the gathered dragons bedding down for the time being as they had flown hard and steadily for the better part of the day Mallor couldn't find the inclination to do the same. His mind was too cluttered and his host was still in a panicked fury as was he. Memories of their time together was a comfort balm but it was a double edged blade as it could not stop the pain of separation.

Mallor, wasting energy is the last thing you need. Rest even if for only a single hour. Mallor glared at the deep blue dragon that dared to try to order him. He recognized this dragon, it was one of Jasmina's lesser generals. Drey, yes, that was his name and his dragon, Squerin.

I will rest when my queen is by my side. I cannot now, there is far too much weighing on our mind. Mallor nudged the smaller dragon away to a nearby empty spot gently. You, however, must rest before the battle. Go, sleep. We will leave when the scouts return with or without prisoners.

Squerin bowed deeply, wings carefully fanned out so as not to accidentally knock against another slumbering dragon, before sauntering off but not before he had his say. The queen would be worried my lord, you know this. There is benefit in clearing the mind before battle. Not only that but a slow mind is equal to a slow death.

Mallor grunted, unsettled and annoyed. He knew it was only concern that made the dragon say such things but it still unsettled him to know that Squerin was indeed correct. He recognized the wisdom in the words but he needed his queen. Thoughts of her constantly ran through their mind, ceaseless and relentless.

Just as Mallor was considering trying to have a light nap a soft screech alerted him of the returning scouts. The brown dragon had in his claws a rather bulky creature swaddled in voluminous robes that fluttered in the gusts raised by their landing.

My king, we were fortunate in finding a prisoner. The castle from which we took this thing is crumbled and reeks of decay. The brown dragon released the creature from his claws and it immediately tried to scuttle away only to run right into Mallor's massive clawed paw. It froze before turning slowly, after taking in Mallor's gigantic height it let out a piercing shriek. The scout rumbled, It is a nervous creature. It did not scream until it realized he was being taken away.

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