Seven - Riley

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     The next day Lucas texts me. He says hi casually and we have a short and sweet conversation. My mom asks who I'm texting and I say Maya because I really don't want to explain the Lucas situation right now because I honestly don't even know what is happening.

     I don't know if this is just Lucas being "friendly" or if he likes me. I mean he has so many friends, maybe this is why so many people like him. He knows how to play his cards right. He knows he's cute and funny and talented, but he acts like he's as low as a peasant talking to a princess. I've always wanted to be a princess. Now I feel like one.

     But... even though I want to be a princess, this all seems like a trap. He's not special. He's just like anyone else. He's just a little better at playing the game. But he still is going to break my heart. But I won't let him. 

     I need to stop this. I'm already thinking about him to often. He's just another guy, I need to stop thinking about him. I wish for an Auggie problem to distract me.

     And just as soon as I wish, Maya comes through the window. Well, this is good enough, as long as she doesn't bring up Lucas. Oops. I did it again. Let's see how long this conversation will last without one of us talking about you know who.

     "Hey Maya whatcha doing?" I ask. "Ummm coming to your house before school like I always do. What's up with you? We do this every day." "Oh yeah. I guess I forgot or something. Oops." Ugh I'm so stupid. I only did that because I was thinking of Lucas and not about what the heck I was saying. "Forgot? Riley? Are you okay? You seem sad." Sad? Where did that come from I'm not... oh wait. I am sad aren't I. I'm always a degree of sad, and a degree of happy. "No I'm not sad, well just the same amount of sad as usual, you know?" Whooo, dodged a bullet there. 

     "Is it about Lucas? Riley he's a good guy..." Wow. Only 26 seconds. "Maya, I know, Lucas is amazing, and..." "And you like him? No. Love him?! Are going to ride a white horse into the sunset with him? OMG CAN I BE YOUR MAID OF..." Okay she had gone to far at this point, so I interrupted her. "No Maya. Because Lucas is amazing, I can't fall for him. I know every girl in school would go out with Lucas if he asked, but not me. He's just too good to be true." 

     Then Maya walked away. Without an answer, without a word. But she was still in my apartment I know, because she would've gone out the window if she was leaving. She didn't seem mad at me, just like she needed to think. I wonder how she knew Lucas. I wonder why she is pushing this so hard. I don't follow her. I need to think too.

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