Chapter Two

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Aeryn's POV

Oh my god. What. An. Idiot. I can't even- whatever. He's such a nincompoop! I don't know why I even bother anymore. His silly decisions and his silly little itty bitty younger brother brain, that I have to go and pick up after every single time.

I did my best angry stomp towards him. He stood there, looking like some half stunned mullet. Like he didn't know what was going to happen as soon as he put his hand on that wand. Yeah, right. No idea at all...

You see, my brother, Aedan, was born with some kind of magical defect that makes him really, really, overly, annoyingly powerful, and at the same time, really, irritatingly uncontrollable. While the rest of us have to train and train just to get a tiny spark out the end of a wand, he can conjure up all sorts of advanced magic without even trying. He knows that he can't control it, he just can't help himself. Well, I have had enough. No more little miss nice sister.

"Aedan YOU IDIOT," I yelled. Stalking towards him, I reached out and smacked his arm. Hard.

"OW. Aeryn! What the hell?" Gasping and rubbing his arm. I am not usually a violent person, but I am inclined to a little bit of aggression if someone deserves it. And boy did he deserve it right then.

"You are SUCH an idiot. Now I'm going to go and find the poor guy, and YOU won't get the blame, I will. Next time, choose something that won't send people into a VORTEX. You know how hard it is to track a person that's gone down one of them. I cannot believe you. You just... Eurgh. Come one, let's go." I marched off, hoping that he'd follow. But he didn't. As I turned back, I realised he'd already been distracted by something else, and slipped down an alleyway.

Sighing, I followed after him. Today was going to be a very long day.   


© isle_of_skye

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