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High school.

The social jungle. Where everything seems much more intimidating. The place that everyone in cheesy teen movies seem to find their "true love." 

True love.

What is true love anyways? I mean, what is it's exact definition? I know that in some cases true love can be classified as the way you feel about someone or the one person you will love for the rest of your life. But if you really think about it, there isn't an actual definition to the phrase. 

I'm sure I must sound pretty bitter about love right now, but that's only because I don't believe in true love or soul mates or any of that other cheesy stuff that gives people an excuse to have sex. I mean, I used to..... but that was a long time ago. But that's a different story that, if you're lucky, I just might be willing to tell.

So back to the real reason I even started talking, high school. Like I said the social jungle, the place where you figure out if you're "in" or "out", which is very important to most teenagers. At least teenagers that I know. Who, you may ask, are the ones most worried about their social standing? Let me give you a big hint;


They are the "fresh meat" in the school. The bottom of both the food chain and the totem pole. So they're basically the fresh meat on the food chain by the bottom of the totem pole. And I, being the fortunate human being that I am, am one of them. Yippee (insert heavy sarcasm here).

Usually, I would be thrilled to be starting high school, in fact, just a few months ago at Eighth Grade Graduation I was so pumped to be going to the big highschool next door. Now? Ehhh... not so much. Why, you ask? Well it's because going to highschool means going to the same school as him. You see, he was the reason why I was so happy at Graduation and he is also the reason why I am now dreading Freshman Orientation tomorrow. I just hope I don't see him tommorrow.


Authors Note:

Hi! Nice to meet you reader of this story :) This was just a prologue, just wanted to throw something in to "set the scene" so to speak. Well if anyone has any comments or ideas please feel free to do that down below. Critisism is welcomed but harsh critisism is not. Well, BYE!!! :)

Love & Giggles,

Luv_is_life <3

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