Chapter 2: Friends Stick Together

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"Okay. First day of highschool," I tell myself as my dad drops me off.

"No biggie. It's the same thing as the past eight years of school except bigger and harder," I giggle at myself for thinking more in depth about the words "bigger" and "harder". I mentally scolded myself, "Victoria, this is no time to think dirty! This is serious. Man, I wish Yesenia was here."

Originally, Yesenia and I had planned to go to school together so we wouldn't be so lost on the first day. However she, being the little flirt she is, found a guy at orientation and decided to bail on me to do some "business" with him. I think we all know what that actually meant..... ew gross mental image. 

As soon as I step onto school property I stop at the nearest picnic table to look at my schedule.

Period 1: Spanish

Period 2: Algebra 2

Period 3: P.E 

Period 4: English

Period 5: Choir

Period 6: Health

Period 7: Chemistry

I know what some of you might be thinking: "You're taking Algebra 2 as a freshman?!?" Yes I know that most other freshman are taking Algebra 1 or Geometry, but I'm what one could call a geek. However, at first glance, I really don't seem like one. Most people actually think I'm a really big airhead..... and then they see my grades. What can I say? Don't judge a book by it's cover. Cheesy I know, but very true. I can't really blame them, I'm more of a secret smarts type of person. I want someone who likes me for me, not because I can do their homework in five minutes flat.

I put away my schedule and walk across school to my Spanish. I walk into the room and immediatly  see everyone staring at me. Uh, awkward much? I take the nearest free seat and take a look around the room. It looks like a Mexican gift shop threw up in here. I also notice that I only know a few people in here, and by a few, I mean two. I don't even talk to those people anyways! Lucky me. 

The bell rings for class to begin and a short Mexican man jumps up and greets us with a very enthusiastic "Hola!" He introduces himself as Senor Martinez a.k.a our Spanish teacher. He hands out paperwork and starts talking about the rules of the class.

I've forgotten that the first day of school, although the most exciting, is also the most boring! I mean, all you have to do is sit there and listen to people nag you about what you can and cannot do. I might as well just stay home, I mean, my parents do the same exact thing. 

Also, I'm a very shy person, so the whole "finding friends" thing is going to take a while. I mean, I know most of the people here, but just by there name. I wonder if anyone here knows me by name or if I'm just a random face in the crowd.

First period passed by pretty quickly, and I soon found myself walking into my second period class: Algebra 2. 

There are pros of being in a class two years above your grade level. Like being significantly smarter then most of your other classmates. However, I feel like there are more cons then pros. For example, only about seven freshman were put into this class, which means limited friends. Sure, you can try and make friends with the upper classmen, but I feel like there is always going to be a barrier since they will always be more experienced in life then you. Those who are able to break through that barrier are very lucky.

There are only a few freshman in this class though. Lucky for me, they are the freshman I'm most familiar with. 

There was Emily Pederson. I wasn't really friends with her. She was more of a fellow classmate. I don't really know how to describe her, shy I guess.

Next is Christine Pappas. She's really cool and one of my good friends. One thing about her though is that she has little to no fashion sense. I'm secretly working on teaching her "the ways of the rack."

Last but not least is Isaiah Sanchez. He's my best guy friend. I can go to him for anything, or at least I used to. We dated a bit during 7th and 8th grade and I don't know if our friendship is the same. To be honest I may still like him. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

All of my classes pretty much went the same as Spanish did. At lunch I was pretty much a total loner. I would've eaten with Yesenia but she had her man candy with her for lunch and I didn't feel like being a third wheel.

After school I head to the front of the school to wait for Yesenia so we can walk to the public library together. It's located only a few blocks from our school and although it's a library, it's usually the loudest place to hang out, especially when my friends are there.

I'm just about to go and find her when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"I feel a vibration!" I exclaim causing people around me to look at me like I was crazy.

I look at my phone and see that it's a text from Yesenia.

"Hey I can't go to the library, my mom wants me to go home."

I reply, "Kk tell her I say hi."

This is the second time she bailed on me today. I sigh in frustration and start to walk to the library by myself.


Hey! How are all of you doing on this fine day? Hope you like this story so far, but I wouldn't blame you if you don't. I'm not a very good writer. But you know what they say about how practice makes perfect. I'm hoping, in my case, practice will make decent. 


Pandas (they deserve it)


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