Chapter 4: New School, New Friends

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It has been a few weeks since Josh and I broke up and so far he's ignoring me like I have the plague. I don't understand why, I thought we ended it on pretty good terms. 

I walk into Spanish and immediately bump into a something that felt like a brick wall. Regaining my focus I look and see that it was actually a guy. Make that a very cute guy. Stuttering, I mutter a quick "sorry" and rush to my seat.

I wonder why I've never seen him before? Then again it is still the beginning of the school year and I barely know anyone outside of my regular group of friends. The bell rang for class the start and I watched from the corner of my eye as Mr. Cutie sat down.

Right in front of me.

Now I feel really stupid. This guy has been sitting in front of me these past few weeks and I'm only noticing him now?!? I mean I know I'm blind but how could my contacts not help me see him? I mean, he's adorable with his dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. Not to forget, his cologne smells amazing!  Why is it that guys' cologne smell so good? Is there like a secret store they go to to buy it? If so I need to shop there.

Class hasn't exactly started yet, our teacher likes to talk to students and joke around so everyone gets in a good mood for class. I think I'm going to take this time to say a proper hi to Mr. Cutie.

"Hey," I say as I tap him on the shoulder.

He turns around with a semi-confused look on his face.

"Oh, hey," he says smiling.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for bumping into you earlier. I'm Victoria by the way."

"I'm Isaac and it's cool. It was my fault for standing in front of the door. You look kind of familiar, do I have any other classes with you?"

I think back to the random faces in my other classes, "Yeah, actually I think you're in all of them except second and fifth period."

"That's cool," he nods, "what are your classes for then?"

"Uh, second, I have Algebra 2. And for fifth I have Choir."

He smiles and chuckles teasingly, "Wow, a braniac and a singer? Impressive."

I flip my hair over my shoulder, "Oh, I know," I say sarcastically.

"So, you should walk with me to second period," he offers.


"Because your class is right next to mine. Plus I have more time to get to know you," he winked and turned around as class started.

Wow, talk about a flirt! Then again, most people say that I'm a pretty big flirt too. I know it's just playful, mindless flirting but I can't help but get a small crush on Isaac. I mean, I know I don't even know him but its never to early to look for love right?


Second Period

So I walked with Isaac to his second period and I've already learned some pretty cool stuff about him. His favorite color is blue, he plays football and baseball, and he's Mexican, Jewish, and Filipino. Also, just by looking at him, I can tell he has at least a four-pack. Which is pretty sexy if you ask me. I mean, guys don't have to have abs, but if they do I am so not going to be against it. I also learned that he has an inner bellybutton because I poked it when we said bye to each other. 

 Algebra 2 is so boring. It's pretty much Algebra except with more stuff added on to it. I know that's basically the whole point of Algebra 2 but I'm pretty slow today plus my mind keeps going back to Isaac and his smexyness. 


Third Period

My third period is P.E. and I just realized a bunch of stuff:

1) I have a lot of familiar friends in this period.

2) Isaac is in this class.

And 3) No matter how hard you try, there is no way to make baggy P.E. uniforms look flattering on you. Even when all of the other girls look perfect in them.

I'm a slow changer and by the time I'm done, most of the girls have already left the locker rooms and gone into the gym. I make my way out to the little hallway leading to the actual gym. On my left there are metal doors with a tinted windows. I look and the first thing I see is Isaac.....

....hugging a girl affectionately. 

That girl is Reyna Gamboa. She is one of those girls who could be a Mexican version of Regina George from Mean Girls. The only difference is that she isn't as mean or bitchy. But she's got the looks down. She also attracts guys like wildfire but doesn't have a boyfriend because she's kind of scary. I only know this because we both went to River Elementary together. We're ok friends but we were never very close. 

My heart sinks to my stomach at the sight of them. I know it may seem like an overreaction to be jealous when I don't even know this guy and honestly I don't even know why I'm getting jealous, but what I do know is that he defiantly likes her.

Everyone has a tell. I've been known to be able to spot a tell almost immediately. Back in elementary school I always knew who was going to develop a crush on who. I mean, I wouldn't meddle. I would just keep it to myself until word got out that they liked each other. So when I say that "I'm known for...." I mean the only person who knows is me. 

And I am absolutely positive that he likes her. The only thing calming my jealousy is the fact that, based on her bored reaction, I can also tell that she doesn't like him back. 

This still doesn't make me very happy but I put a smile on my face and walk into the gym.


Hey people people! Sorry if this is lame :( Like I said, I'm not the best writer. But I'm trying! That counts for something right? 

Questions/Comments/Mind Hug Requests all go down in the comment section. 

Love and Glittery bows ♥

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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