How You Met

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                                                                                            The Rake

You was just leaving from a cafe with your best friend and you had tear streaks on your face. You have 

known [Y/BFF/N] for so long and come to find out she's moving to Florida. You was so sad because 

that means that you won't see her no more at school, you can't visit her or spend the night anymore, 

can't hang out and do stupid stuff together no more. She's moving next week and even though you 

can still skype, oovoo, text, call and all that it won't be the same. So you're taking advantage of her 

time here. Anyway you were trying not to dwell on it as you went down a dirt path towards your 

house. It was a little dark so you decided to hurry up to your cozy home. You felt like you were being 

watched and you heard rustling so you looked behind you and saw nothing. You turned around and 

jumped because there was a man-creature thing in front of you. It looked like a starved man but he 

had razor sharp teeth, with long claws and nails. It was just staring at you. You bent down because 

you didn't want to scare it and you put your hand out. It sniffed your hand and touched it and then 

ran away leaving you a little confused.

                                                                                                     The SeedEater

Nothing was going your way from the moment you fell this morning giving yourself a bruise to when 

about 10 minutes ago you dropped your food and coffee and you have no more money on you. So you 

just wanted to go home, relax and get this crappy day over with. You turned a corner down a deserted 

street. From behind you you heard someone following you "Nice ass babe!Mind if I have a piece."

"Just fucking great." You ignored him and then you heard running so you started running. You 

screamed and soon there was a hand over your mouth and you was being dragged into an alleyway. 

"No need to be scared babe, I just want to have a little fun." He started feeling you up and tears were 

at your eyes but when you felt him unbutton your pants he was pulled off of you and you heard a 

scream then silence. You looked at your attacker laying in a pool of blood. You looked at your savior 

and it was a...bird-man? He was shirtless showing an 8-pack and he had feathers surrounding his 

head. He had piercing golden eyes. He was studying you and you smiled at him. His eyes widen 

slightly and in a flash he was gone.


You was home all bored and your parents were on a business trip. So you decided to go upstairs and 

play Minecraft since you found it on your doorstep when you came home a couple of days ago. You 

put it into [Y/G/C] and started to play. You was enjoying it until it started freezing and the character 

you was playing as was doing the opposite of what you were doing. Then it shut off and you huffed 

*EDITING* Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now