b e f o r e / t h e c o n t e s t

34 5 0

The bright light coming from my computer screen greatly contrasted with the blackness of my unlit bedroom as I sat in front of the glowing laptop. With my cup of coffee beside my keypad, I constantly copied and pasted information into the internet form and clicked 'enter' over and over and over.

You've reached your last entry for today. Share out this custom link, and whoever signs up through this will give you ten extra entries.

Contest ends in 00:08:35:49

"Frick," I exclaimed out loud. Closing out the radio station window, I opened twitter in hopes that my few hundred followers would help me out. After sharing out my link to a ton of people who probably wouldn't even care, I got up from my desk and hopped into bed.

Getting comfortable, my eyes finally began to shut; my mind drifting off into dream land which consisted of one special band and not stupid contest entries that I will never win.

However, by the time the countdown hits zero, my life would be completely changed; better than anything I could ever imagine.


Updates as of now will be a little weird for now. I'm going to be going back and forth in important events in this story, some may be short (like this) and some will take you forever to finish. It all depends on the purpose of the chapter.

Any who I hope you enjoy what I have so far and please tell me what your think. Remember to comment and vote was well if your a kool kat.

That is all(-:

Peace, Love, Calpal


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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