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My p.o.v
I was sitting in the bathroom against the door when Brett called. I picked up the phone. Brett said "Rylie are you okay, you didn't go eat with me." I replied "yeah but i can't control it anymore." Brett sounded confused about what i was saying. " what do you mean can't control it?"he said . I replied "I don't have a anchor to keep me grounded anymore." "Who was your anchor Rylie ?" Brett asked that question several times. I sat in silence then I whispered under my breath his name. Then I started changing.(because werewolves clearly love full moons) I go to his old prep school and he goes to Beacon Hills.He was my anchor but I forgot what he looks like I haven't even talked to him since he moved. I live with my brother Brett, our mom, Sister and father. I had a crush on Liam and I used to go to school with him& to make it a better situation my brother hates him. Brett asked him if it was a old member of our pack but I was gone. I left my phone in our restroom and stared running. I was in the beacon hills preserve then I fell in a hole. I quickly jumped out and I ran for the Nemeton and when I got there a kid was sitting on the stump of the tree and I recognized him it was Liam . I focused on him and I went back to normal. I was walking up to him the he wolfed out and he lunged at my throat and I got angry my eyes looked in to his and our eyes were both glowing he stopped and looked down and he was back to normal. "Rylie?" I was confused that he remembered my name I didn't respond but I did walk up and kiss him then I realized what I just did."oh fuck no!"I turned around and saw my big brother Brett I looked at liam and whispered in his ear "run" and liam grabbed my hand we ran away from Brett. He was right on our tails then we fell in a hole and Liam just smiled. I said "thanks for being my anchor liam." And we looked up and Brett was there and he picked me up out of that hole and he said "congrats on making me want to puke and dont ever kiss my sister again Liam."
(412) words bitchs that was my longest imagine yet
Thanks for reading btw I made this for myself because nobody requests (♥ryles♡)

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