Soulmate AU- Isaac

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All I could see is grey. There is a prophecy That when you meet your soulmate you see colors. Every once in awhile I can see little bits of color. I've been going to Beacon Hills for 2 years and out of my class I dont know 30 people. I have heard of Isaac Lahey though and that he is a werewolf. I'm nothing special besides my family are hunters. My cousin Allison always talks about her friends and the supernatural problems in town while I practice my hand to hand combat.

"Y/N you know I can get a werewolf to help train you so you can take one down without a weapon."Allison stated. " fine if you can get your werewolf friend here to help I might not hunt him here in Beacon Hills. "I smirked .

<><><>2 Days later<><><><>
*banging on door* i got up of my bed and opened the door "Listen here you little sh-" I look up and see a boy a very cute boy with Blue eyes. Wait I see colors all around. "Ummm I'm Isaac Lahey."I was lost in his eyes. "I'm Y/N Argent."
* Time Skip by Allison Argent Beating the shit of Gerard*

"And thats how I met your Father before he left." I told my 1 1/2 month old son. He just smiled up at me I could see some colors since Isaac left but mostly I see black and white especially since He fell in love with my Cousin.  When he went to France I fell apart mostly because I was pregnant. Eric Lahey was my sons name. He has his father's Ocean Blue Eyes.
"Little Wolf, lets go see who is at the door. " I picked my little joy and walked to the door. I opened the door and see Him (The Worst Soulmate and Father Award Winner.)
" Y/N Listen im here to stay, I want to be the Boyfriend and Soulmate you need." I was paralyzed by fear what if he doesn't want Eric . " Isaac I need you to leave, Just come back later please." I told him while trying to hide Eric. I shut the door and went into the living room and was bouncing my little wolf on my leg when I sat on the couch.
I hear creeking from my front door and I put Eric in his play pin and I went into the closest and picked up my Winchester Shotgun. I didn't see anyone when I went to the door absolutely nothing.  I sighed a sigh of relief.  I went to the living room to check on Eric and Isaac is in my house. "Is this my kid?" I didn't answer ."Damn it Y/N is this my kid?" I finally looked into the eyes I once lost myself in. I nodded yes. "Why didn't you tell me, that we had a son ?" He questioned. " Because we're soulmates and you left me for my Cousin then Left for France when she died but god forbid that I have to tell you that I have a son." I whispered.  "YES YOU TELL ME THAT "WE" HAVE A SON! " he yelled, actually his eyes turned into the Orange/Bright Yellow I once loved. Eric started crying and his eyes turned into a light yellow.  "Leave. FUCK ME AND LEAVE WAS YOUR PHILOSOPHY, BUT YOU CAN'T JUST WALK OUT ON HIM.....please leave me alone, I don't want you to leave him but its what's best." I whimper through my tears. I walk over to Eric and pick him up and try to calm him down but he wouldn't stop crying.  Isaac was standing near the door when I started singing to Eric.
"I hurt my self today, to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain.
The only thing that's real.
The needle tears a hole." I sang lightly to Eric. He finally began to stop crying. I smiled "Hi little Wolf " I whispered to him. Isaac walked into the living room and sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry." Isaac whispered to Eric. " I shouldn't have left you and your mommy."I looked into Isaac's eyes, they were puffy and red. I tapped on Isaac's hand with my finger and said " I can't speak for Eric but do you want to stay for dinner ?"

Isaac turned to look at me. He put his hand on my face and leaned in then  his soft lips met mine and the colors of my house came to me in a wave. I looked at Eric in Isaac's lap and smiled.

"So our son is a werewolf." Isaac stated. Eric's little eyes turned into the soft yellow color again.  Isaac turned his eyes into the Omega Orange/yellow again and Eric's eyes went back to normal.
"You have nice eyes but not as nice as my alpha." I whispered to Isaac.  " We should invite the pack to meet Eric!" Isaac said  enthusiastically. "They already met Eric Boyd Lahey." I stated to My soulmate." I Love his name by the way but why isn't Allison  his name?" He questioned. "Thats for our next kid." I whispered in his ear.

Turns out five months later I found out we will be Having Allison Claudia Lahey and Adian Scott Lahey.

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