At Evan's Place

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(What happens when Monica and Gabriel are on their date Friday night)
Kyla's POV
I'm going over to my best friend Evan's apartment today, I'm so excited even though I saw like a week ago I still can't wait. Even though I have a date with Triston tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to see Evan. Me and him have been best friends for about three years. I actually met him through Monica. She was one of his longest Fams on YouNow and she introduced me and a few other people to him. I actually had a little crush on him for a little while but got over it. But we've been friends since. He used to be pretty big on YouNow until he stopped broadcasting for a while. You know what I'm going to broadcast since I haven't gone live in a day.
"Aye Fam what's good?"
----Skips broadcast----
"Guys I'm getting off I'm at Evan's house talk to you later."
I call Evan"I'm here come get me."
"Here what do you mean here?"
"Here as in I'm outside your fucking door dumbass!"
"Oh, I'll come get you."
Evan opens the door
I say"Hey loser!" and hug him.
"I missed you like crazy, how's the move been?"
"Good me and Monica finally got settled into the house."
"Cool so what brings you over today?"
"I called you last night at midnight and said I was coming over dumb ass."
"I was asleep so sorry."
"Whatever, can I come in?"
Evan leads me inside and up to the second floor apartment 2H (random apartment number Evan actually lives with his parents in a house Fyi I know him personally so it's not weird I know that). "Hey Evan you're okay with me spending the night right?"
Evan's POV
So Kyla came over tonight. She's my best friend and I think I'm in love with her. "Yeah of course you can stay the night." Score she's staying the night.
----Skip to after dinner---
Kyla:"Evan that was really good spaghetti I thought you were terrible at cooking."
"I was until I moved out and had to fend for myself. Would you like some desert?"
"Sure what do you have?"
"Close your eyes." Evan creeps up behind Kyla without her knowing and kisses her straight on the mouth. Kyla pushed him off and said:"Evan what the fuck you know I'm going on a date with Triston."
"Yeah and does that mean I can't kiss you?"
"Yes!! Evan I had a crush on you a long time ago I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you anymore you're more of a brother to me then anything."
"Oh um this is awkward."
"So yeah um just going to go now since this is going to be to awkward so yeah bye Evan."
-----Kyla gets home----
Kyla's POV
"Mon I'm home are you home yet?"
"Yeah why are you home it's midnight weren't you supposed to spend the night at Evan's?"
"Yeah I left because he kinda..."
"He kinda what?"
"Evan kissed me."
"Monica chill. He's our friend."
"Ok sorry. I'm calm now."
"Ok so how did it go with you and Gabe?"
"Fine the movie was great."
"Did he kiss you?"
"OMG he did I ship it."
"Shut up I'm going to bed night."

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