Kyla's POV
So me and my best friend Monica are finally able to move out of Nebraska and get a house together and we decided to move to Mineral Wells, Texas. We already know a few people from Texas so it won't be like we don't know anyone but they live in San Antonio and in Dallas. Our friend Evan Hufferd lives in Dallas so he's going to help us move into our house. I call Evan.
"Hey Evan are you at the place yet?"
"Yeah I'm just chillin right now in my car how long until both of y'all will be here?"
"20 minutes at the most we're about to be there, Monica how many miles?"
"30 and we'll be there."Monica yelled
--------skip the rest of the car ride-------
Monica's POV
I get out of the moving truck and run up to Evan and hug him.
"Evan we meet again."
"Monica what the fuck you're such a geek."
"I know I'm so happy to see you again, Play List was so long ago." We start unpacking the van.
--------Skip unpacking---------
(Why would anyone want to read about us unpacking that's just stupid)
Evan's POV
"Well I got to get home see you guys next week for the house warming party."
"Okay bye Evan!"Monica and Kyla say
Kyla's POV
"Let's go out for a little while I'm hungry and we need groceries."
"Okay where do you want to go?"
"Okay let us go."

Trabriel FanFic Dirty
FanficThis is a Gabriel.Laceup and Triston Tyler fanfic that features Nick Bean and Evan Hufferd(YouNowers)(in only a few parts for a short time) I hope you enjoy it's only a little dirty