Hands and Knees For Two Days Straight

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The boys had just arrived back in London after spending a bit of time in Japan. (Japan was now a special place to Louis, mainly because Harry had given him the most amazing blowjobs his cock had ever seen.) But they were home now, and they had a blessed weekend off. Louis had expected this, anticipated it even. He'd approached everyone on their team beforehand, from management all the way down to the other three boys, and told them strictly not to contact him nor Harry in any way- no stopping by, no texts or calls, not even something as small as a tweet. He'd threatened them as well; if they didn't listen, they would most definitely feel his wrath.

Louis had plans for his boyfriend. Very explicit plans.

He even went so far as marking this weekend on his phone calendar, and planned for weeks all the things he was going to carry out. He'd spent a hell of a lot of money in the process, so he'd be damned if he didn't get his way.


Harry and Louis arrived at their flat straight from the airport, tired and jet-lagged, tossing their luggage near the door. Louis stretched and yawned loudly. "Japan was amazing," he said tiredly.

"Yeah, it really was," Harry agreed. He kicked off his shoes and padded into the kitchen. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. Just let me take a piss first." Louis went upstairs and instead of turning right into the bathroom, he turned left, into the guest bedroom they had but never used. He flicked on the light, checked to make sure everything was as he left it before Japan, then flicked the light off and left. He didn't want Harry to find out about his plans just yet- that was for tomorrow- so he washed his hands and headed back downstairs where Harry was already picking out a film. "Ready?" He asked as he popped in a DVD.

Louis plopped down next to him and took the popcorn from him. "You have no idea."


Harry felt a shiver run through him as he crawled into consciousness. He felt cold all over, and was pretty sure he did not go to sleep that way. Last he remembered, he was curled up next to Louis in their bed, warm and safe, playing the little spoon in their cuddle. Louis had had his arms around him tight, his breath in his hair. Now, when Harry groggily came to, nothing was like it was before he went to sleep.
For one thing, Harry couldn't see.
He'd thought he'd gone blind for a moment and panicked, until he realized he was in fact wearing a blindfold. The second thing he noticed was the breeze. He didn't recall sleeping in nothing but boxers, yet here he was, nearly naked and shivering slightly. He went to move his hands but found that they were bound, tight, above his head, his feet barely scraping the floor.

What the hell was going on?
"Lou," Harry said quietly. "Lou, what's going on? Where are you?"
He heard some noise off to his left and then Louis' voice. "Hey, love. I see you're up now. Did you sleep well?"

"Louis," Harry breathed. "What's going on here? Why am I-" he pulled at his wrists, trying to release them, but to no avail- "why am I tied up?"

Louis didn't respond right away. Harry heard some noise off to his left once more, before Louis was seemingly right in front of him. "Well, you see," his voice was low and his breath ghosted over Harry's chest, "we have a whole weekend to ourselves. Two complete days. Forty-eight hours. I've decided it was the perfect chance to..."

Louis' voice trailed off and Harry gasped as he felt one of Louis' warm hands run along his exposed torso, over his stomach and nipples and tattoos. Harry suddenly felt warm all over when Louis leaned in once more.
"...wind you up a bit."

"Louis," Harry breathed. His head was staring to spin. "What's happening?"

"Shh, don't panic," Louis said softly. "I'll take good care of you, okay? Just relax baby."

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