You Got Me Popping Champagne

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"Harry leave! You know what you did was wrong. I will never forgive you! You piece of no good. I should have listened to Liam and stayed away from you!" Louis yelled at Harry as he ran up to his room.

It was Friday when Louis and Harry had decided to go to a club on a Friday Night. They had nothing else to do and their sex life was lackluster so they couldn't even get to it. Their relationship was capacious.

They were enjoying themselves for the first 2 hours until Harry started drinking a lot. After a several more shots, Harry was drunk and not caution of his actions. Louis went to get him some water so he would relax a little and cut off the beer.

Louis was making his way through the crowd trying to ignore any movement of hormonal people and as he walked towards him Louis found him making out with another guy.

A tall, black haired god, who couldn't possibly be real but to his eyes , he was very much real in the way Harry was holding onto his very thin body, as the bearded man did the same to him, pulling him in closer as Louis made his way towards them. Louis was furious. His sight started to get blurry. Faces becoming nothing but empty clouds to him. His throat turned dry. He was heartbroken. Just as Louis was about to walk away, Harry yelled his name out.

"Louis, no wait!"

Louis didn't demur on resuming to run through the warm bodies that were dancing in the club. Louis was inches out of the club, but Harry soon caught up with him. He took hold of his arm and looked at Louis straight in the eye.

Harry's eyes were already lighter in color, the tears soaked in causing his eyes to give off a faint grey color. He noticed Louis was just the same, but his face was so different. It was fragile. Louis didn't fight with Harry's hold, but Harry put so much pressure on his arm, knowing a mark would be left, but he didn't want to let Louis go away that easy.

"Louis, please."

Louis was already crying. Louis forced himself out of his grip and looked at him in the eye. The same "you know what you did wrong" look Louis always gave Harry, but never in times like this. This has never been a thing and he needed Louis to know that. "No Harry. Save it." Louis told him in a very soft tone.

Louis let out in a very soft tone. He was unable to speak, his words barely coming out completely but managed to shake their way out. Louis quickly ran out and headed toward his car and drove off, not putting much mind into how Harry would get back home. After all, he'll probably go ask that god of a guy for a ride anyways.

Louis was home in minutes, and he showered and started watching TV as he ate a ham and cheese sandwich. It was all he had since Harry has skipped the groceries this weekend. He kept on getting calls from Harry and kept on denying every single one. Fucking idiot.

It was now a Monday. Louis was just about to turn off the TV and head over to his room when he heard the door knock.

"Who would be knocking at the door at 1 of the morning?" Louis hissed at Liam who he had called to come over 4 hours ago.

Liam was always a good friend when it came down to hearing you out and just being a shoulder for you. He was a lovely guy. Liam was on his laptop the whole time and it didn't bother Louis because he knew he was always listening. He was so caring and just so quiet.

"I don't know. So what? Now I need to open the door right? " Liam asked as he gave Louis a serious look, but then laughed as soon as Louis threw out his puppy eyes scam and stuck out his bottom lip.

He got up the sofa and placed his laptop on the side. He was headed towards the door when the person on the other side knocked on the door twice as harder as the first time.

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