I Can Be Good

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Harry and Louis had just returned to their shared flat after a long night of screaming fans, and silly goofing off.

They'd immediately curled up on the couch together in the living room, with Harry in Louis's arms, head rested on his shoulder. At the moment they were watching Thor, the movie about the powerful yet arrogant warrior named Thor, whom was cast out of the realm Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth.

Louis gently starts playing with Harry's hair as he keeps his gaze set on the TV that's playing. Of course Harry starts purring softly, leaning into the loving touch of his boyfriend, making tiny sounds of appreciation. Getting a reaction like this out of Harry is fairly easy for Louis's benefit, forcing him to have to smile lightly, and tug up on Harry's curls in a playful manner.

Harry in response of Louis's tugging is a low groan, and Louis smirks devilishly as he repeats the same motion that he did with Harry's curls a moment before, tugging up on a handful of them.

The curly-haired boy bites down on his lower lip as he feels his stomach flip and tighten from Louis's tugging on his hair.

"Lou...you know what happens when you do that." He whines softly, pulling his head out of Louis's shoulder to look up over at him with doe eyes, which were filled with innocence.

"Of course I do." Louis grins evilly, averting his attention from the TV and looking over at Harry. Harry pouts, and shifts his body to face the TV, turning his head away from Louis with a small huff as he folds his arms across his chest. "Then stop doing it."

Louis's eyebrows raise, and he stares at the side of Harry's face for a few moments before leaning in towards him, warm breath fanning over his cheek as he whispers softly, "Awe, Hazza. You know you love it."

He lifts a hand, and tangles his fingers in Harry's curls again before tugging up on them harshly, this playful smirk on his lips.

Harry lets out a low moan as Louis tugs up on his hair again, and then whines, smacking his hand away and moving away from Louis on the couch. Louis lifts a brow, grinning as he starts crawling over towards Harry.

"See...you do love it." He purrs out, sitting down beside Harry again, who was settled down by the arm of the couch. "N-no I don't!" Harry defensively says, leaning away from Louis with wide eyes.

"Ah, but you do." Louis smiles brightly, ruffling Harry's hair. Harry lets out a short breath, closing his eyes and shaking his head.


"Yes, very much indeed so." Louis continues smiling at Harry, and chuckles softly, his cerulean blue eyes glittering with amusement.

"Why do you keep denying it? 's all true." Harry whines, gesturing towards the TV with his hand. "I keep denying it, because we're trying to watch a movie right now, Louis!"

The emerald green eyed boy glances towards Louis, and then sucks in a breath when he notices the feathery haired boy's cerulean eyes clouded with lust, and a sly smirk playing out on his lips as he stares at Harry. "You have a point Harry, but wouldn't you rather be doing other things?" Louis winks.

Harry bites down on his lower lip, and turns his head away, averting his gaze from Louis. "Erm, well yeah, but 's a movie that we've been wanting to watch since forever...and I just thought that--" Louis cuts Harry off by cupping his chin, and turning his head towards his, quickly leaning in to smash his lips against the curly-haired boy's.

Harry freezes up in response at first, because he's caught off guard, not expecting Louis to do such a thing. But then it's Louis, so of course it'd be something close to what'd he do if he had opportunity; and Harry'd given him that much from saying something along the lines of 'Erm, well yeah.'

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