Megan's POV
I stormed out of the hotel, tears threatening to fall down my face, as the cold air thrashed against my bright red cheeks. I didn't want to get drunk tonight, having not been drunk in about 9 months, it would feel weird, and I would scare Scar. Let's just go to a coffee shop, atleast Scar wouldn't be in any danger. I walked until I found a small cosy coffee shop. I walked in and just sat down, burying my head in my hands, as the tears fell. How could George do this to me? Okay maybe they were just texting, but that could of led to meeting up, which could of led to falling in love, which could of led to meeting up in secret, which would of led to Scar crying, which would of led to me crying, which would of led to sadn- ok I think you get the point now. And the fact that he was hiding his phone from me? There's no trust. And it's weird lately all he's been interested in is sex, sex, sex, sex, maybe I'm not good enough for him? Maybe because I refuse to have sex with him sometimes, he's decided to have it with Lindsay instead.
'Excuse me miss?' the worker said,
'Yes?' I said, looking up and wiping away my tears,
'I'm really sorry but it's closing time,' she smiled,
'Oh it's alright,' I said, trying to smile, and picking up my phone. I opened my phone as I walked out, and saw I had 6 missed calls, and 10 text messages, all from George. This is why I left my phone on silent you see. I looked at all the texts:
Megan please come back I'm really worried, please don't do anything you'll regret xox
Baby I'm so sorry I was a dick, please forgive me I love you so much xxx
Scar's awake now and she's crying cos you're not here and she thinks we're going to get a divorce like her friend's parents, please come back x
Scar's screaming now, she really wants you back, babe please come xx
I know you can get any guy you wanted, I know it, so you don't have to prove it to me, I know, please come back, please don't cheat on me xxx
I wasn't saying anything to Lindsay, just I thought you'd get jealous if you saw I was texting her again xx
And all the rest was basically the same. I thought I should call him, just to talk to Scar.
'Hello Megan!?' he answered, I could hear Scar crying hysterically in the background,
'George let me speak to Scar,' I demanded,
'But Me-'
'George let me speak to her,' I said firmly,
'Mummy!' Scar cried down the phone. You know when you cry so much you have to catch your breath in gasps to catch your breath, and whenever you take a big breath in it's shaky, that was how Scar was crying.
'Hey sweetie,' I said calmly,
'Mummy c-come b-a-ack,' she cried, catching her breath, then breaking into tears again,
'Scar calm down,' I soothed,
'M-Mummy p-ple-ease,' she cried, breaking into hysterical crying and quick breaths again.
'Scar honey crying won't help, it won't do anything,' I said, as cooly as I could.
'But M-Mum-'
'Scar, don't cry sweetie, you'll ruin your beautiful face ok princess,' I said, calming her down,
'Mum-my,' she said, taking a deep quivering breath and calming down, ' please c-come back,'
'Let me speak to your father ok sweetie,' I said,
'Megan?' George said, his voice croaky like he was crying,
'George I'm coming back alright,' I said, as i began walking,
'Thank you so so so much-'
'Only for Scar, only for her,' I said, rather harshly.
He didn't reply, there was just silence.
'Well bye,' I said,
'I love you,' George said, but I hung up.
'I love you too George, I really do,' I whispered to myself, as I wiped away the tears.
I got to the hotel room, and opened the door with my key. Scar was lying down on the bed, whimpering softly (you know when you've cried loads and you stop and your breaths are short and quick and wavy) as her father, laid beside her singing softly to her as he ran his hand through her hair repeatedly. George looked up at me and smiled softly, as Scar's eyes were closed but you could tell she was still awake due to her breaths. I admired them for a second, and walked over to the bed after taking my coat and shoes off. I laid down on the other side of Scar, carefully, and whispered to George,
'I love you too,'
and he leaned forward and softly kissed my lips,
'I'm so so sorry about the texts, nothing was going on, but I will never text her again I promi-'
'It's alright George, as long as you weren't cheating on me, I'm fine with it,' I whispered, kissing him again,
'Dada,' Scar mumbled, opening her eyes slowly,
'Hey sweetie,' I whispered, kissing her cheek softly, she was too tired to register anything, 'I'm back now,' I whispered, and she cuddled into me, falling asleep yet again,
'She really loves you ya know,' George said, ' you should of seen how much she was crying,'
'She was crying just like that for the first month you left, every single night, hysterical crying, just like that. And she refused to go to school sometimes, cos she didn't want the other girls making fun of her,' I said,
'Really?' George whispered,
'Really,' I said, ' I'm sorry how I said you don't care about her, you do, I was j-'
'Hey let's just forget that ever happened ok?' George smiled, taking my hand,
'Ok,' I whispered.
Everything seemed perfect.
That's the thing, it 'seemed' perfect.
It never actually was.