Plan For Us

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Megan's POV

I woke up, still in George's arms. It was 9, so Scar would almost definitely be awake. I left George to sleep, because he's probably jet lagged. I brushed my teeth and hair, put on some leggings, and walked down at the kitchen. Where I saw Scar sitting at the table, drawing yet again.

'Hey  sweetie,' I said, putting my hand on her head for a brief second as I walked past on the way to the fridge.

'Hi mummy,' she smiled, looking up at me, ' mummy can I have breakfast now?' she asked,

'Ofcourse you can Scar! What do you want? Have you brushed your teeth though missy?' I said, resting my elbows on the table, she nodded proudly, ' you can have pancakes, waffles, full english-'

'Can I have pancakes! And then you can have the waffles-'

'What's this I hear about food!' George giggled, walking into the kitchen. He had changed into a top and pajama bottoms, cos I'm sure Scarlett wouldn't want to see her dad in just boxers.

'Daddy you're still here?' Scar gasped,

'Why wouldn't he be Scarlett?' I asked, looking at her all funny.

'I-I thought you would leave me again Daddy, like last time remember,' Scar said, tears welling up in her eyes. God she loved her father.

George walked over to her, and knelt infront of her, taking her small chubby hands in his.

'I will never ever leave you again ok baby?' George said, tears welling up in his own eyes,

'Prwomise Daddy?'  she said, looking into his eyes, ' because all the other girls at school get picked up by their daddy's and do fun things with their daddy's and they take pictures, and they think i don't have a daddy, cos I don't have any pictures, and you never pick me up, and we ne-'

'Scar honey I think your father gets the point,' I said suddenly, seeing the hurt in George's eyes. After last night I knew this was a touchy subject for him, and I couldn't stand seeing him upset.

'No no it's fine Megan, let her carry on,' George said, sniffing in the tears.

'Oh no I think mummy's right,' Scar said taking a quick glance at me, ' I think you understand what I'm saying,'

'I promise Scar I will never leave you again ok? And we can take pictures, and I can pick you up from school, and we can do fun things, the funnest things ever-'

Scar smashed her body to her father, tackling him into a bone crushing hug. I couldn't help but smile alot, because I kinda saw it coming, the way her eyes beamed when he was speaking. I can tell she loves George to death, and she just misses him, that's all.

'I wuv you Daddy,' she said, rubbing the side of his cheek with her hand.

'I love you too baby,' George smiled, putting his hand ontop of hers, and kissing her cheek softly.

'I wuv you too Mummy don't worry,' Scar smiled, looking up at me,

'I love you too sweetie,' I chuckled, ' now who wants what for breakfast!'

'Can I have pancakes, and Daddy will have a full english pwease mama,' Scar grinned,

'How did you know I wanted that! You little mind reader!' George gasped, tickling Scar playfully,

'Cos it's my favourite, and I guessed it would be yours too, remember last night with the spaghetti?' she asked,

'Oh look at you Mrs Detective,' I giggled, starting to cook the food.

'You are very bright Scar,' George smiled in admiration,

'Bright!? Am I glowing?' she squealed,

'No no darling as in you're very smart,' George giggled, as he watched her face drop.

'Scar carry on with your drawings so we can hang them up near the others ok?' I smiled, my back turned to them now, cooking.

'Ok mama,' she said.

'Morning,' George whispered huskily into my ear as he arms wrapped around me,

'Morning,' I said, pecking his lips softly,

'I have something planned for us tonight,' George smirked, slipping his hand under my shirt and rubbing my hip bone,

'And what would that be?' I smiled,

'Well I was think you me and Scar could go up to London for the weekend? I've booked a hotel and everything,' he smiled,

'Scar did you hear that sweetie?' I shouted over my shoulder,

'What?' Scar said back,

'Daddy's gonna take you to London this weekend,' I smiled,

'Really!? But Daddy we cant leave Mama here by herself,' Scar said, making a little cute gasping noise,

'Don't worry, Mummy will be coming,' he smiled, ' you've got your own hotel room by the way Scar! right next to Mummy and I,' 

'Yay!' she squealed,

'Why isn't she in the same room as us George?' I whispered,

'Cos you and I have some midnight plans baby,' George smirked,

'She'll hear us George,' I said, pushing away the idea,

'Sound proof walls in the master suite,' he whispered, grinding against me softly,

'You're so eager!' I gasped, giggling,

'I've missed making love to you baby,' he whispered, kissing my neck softly again and again.

'Mummy,' Scar said suddenly, causing George to take a step back,

'What honey?' I said, clearing my throat, hoping she didn't see that.

'Can I go pack quickly?' she asked,

'Go for it,' I smiled.

This was going to be interesting.


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