Christians in Hell

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Christians in Hell

I then saw many pastors, elders, and deacons in Hell. I asked the angel, "I know them. They had served God faithfully while on the Earth. They had died some time ago. We all had thought they were in Heaven with God. But now, I see them all in Hell and they are crying out that it is so hot! Why are they here?" There were so many pastors, elders,deacons and all other lay believers.

The angel answered, "Pastor Park Yong Gyu, a person can appear to be a true follower of Christ on the outside but God knows the heart.


Many of the deacons and elders had criticized the sermon of their pastors.

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They had not evangelized to people atall. ()

Many of these elders and deacons hadharassed their pastors and would come against their authority. They hadinterfered with the pastor's duty and business. ()

On their death beds, they thought theyhad done a good job so they did not repent of those things. This is why theywere thrown in the fires of Hell."

I then saw aking and a prince who were had first persecuted Christians in Korea. This kingand prince beheaded many of the first believers in Korea. They were placed inthe center, which was the hottest place of all. I also saw Hitler, Stalin, MaoZedong, and a famous pastor from North Korea named Pastor Kang, and a famousJapanese hero, and many more.

Thenwe arrived at an extremely dark place, too dart to see where to step. Ishouted, "Angels! Angels! It is so dark!How can I see anything?" The angelspatted my shoulder and said, "Just wait alittle bit."

Withina few moments, I was able to see a countless number of naked people. All ofthem had insects crawling all over their bodies. Not an inch was spared astheir whole bodies were completely covered with insects. The naked peopleattempted to drive the insects away gnashing their teeth. I asked, "Whatdid these people do as they lived on Earth?"

"They are those who have criticized and backstabbed each other. They were not careful of what they had said to one another."()

I saw the demonspiercing and stabbing the stomachs of the people with sickles. Their screamswere unbearable to me. I asked my escort, "Angels,what did these people do as they had lived on the Earth?

"These people had jobs, houses, andfamilies but they did not give to God. They did not help the poor, theirchurches, or other Godly purposes. They were very stingy and greedy. Even asthey encountered the poor, they ignored them and did not care. They only caredfor themselves and their families. They were well clothed, fed, and had acomfortable life. This is why their stomachs are pierced for their bellies werefull of greed." ()

Itwas a very frightening scene. After witnessing such a scene, when I got back tothe Earth, I gave all of my money and possessions to others. Salvation cannotbe earned with money or property. It is by faith. Hell is an unbearable andmiserable place. It is eternal torment!

I also sawpeople who had their heads hacked off by a very sharp saw. I asked the angel, "What did these people do to deserve suchawful torment?" The angel replied, "Theirbrains were given by God to think good and beneficial things. But these peoplehad thought of filthy things. They thought of lustful things." ()

NextI saw people being stabbed and cut into pieces. The sight was horrible. I asked,"What about these people? What did theydo to be tormented in such a way?" TheAngel replied, "These were elders anddeacons who did not serve their churches. In fact, they did not even want towork or serve! The only things they had loved were to receive and receive fromthe flock." () ()

I sawthe elders, deacons, and other lay believers tormented by the demons. Thedemons made a hole in their tongues and placed wires through the tongues of oneanother. Then the demons dragged the people with the wire. I asked again, "What did they do on Earth?" The angelanswered, "They had committed fourdifferent types of sin.

First, they had criticized theirpastors. They would speak negative things about their pastors. They were backbiting and ridiculing their pastors."

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Iplead with those who have committed such acts to REPENT, REPENT!!

Theangel continued, "Second, they insultedthe church with their words. They had harassed other Christians to the pointwhere even the faithful ones were affected and they stopped attending churchand even caused some to stop believing. They did all they could to stopfaithful Christians from doing God's work. These wicked ones caused manyfaithful to stumble. Lastly, there are spouses who drank alcohol and wereabusive to their family members."

I saw demonspiercing men and women in their stomachs with a very huge sharp nail. I asked, "What did they do?" The Angel replied, "These are men and women who had lived withone another but were not married. These are guilty of abortions as they alsogot pregnant. They had never repented."

I sawanother group of people. The demons were slicing their lips as if one thinlyslicing meat or vegetables. I asked, "Whyare these people tormented in such a way?" The angel said, "These are sons, daughters, son in laws, and daughter in laws who hadtalked back to their parents. All they had to do was say, 'I'm sorry' insteadof making things worse. Many of them had used abusive language. They hadattacked their parents with harsh language. They were rebellious. This is whytheir lips are being sliced."

Brethren,we are all going to die one day, but we don't know when that will be. Please beprepared. Being prepared is to go to Heaven. When we go is not the issue.Please forgive each other as frequently as necessary if you need too. Repentand repent and do it all day long if you have too.

My belovedbrethren, I used to ignore such testimonies. I was a conservative Presbyterianpastor who ignored such things. But now, I must witness and testify to you whatI have seen. Please do not hesitate to live a holy life. Please avoid thismiserable torment and judgment. Be saved! Do not live for your flesh but submitto the Kingdom of God. Please pray for those who do not know Jesus. Evangelizeand bear fruit. Please pray early in the morning and keep Sundays HOLY. Pleasetithe to the Lord properly. Accumulate your rewards in Heaven and not in this Earth.I pray and bless you in the Almighty Name of JESUS!

ByPastor Park, Yong Gyu

Editors Note: Please remember the Lordnever said that your chances of getting saved was 1 in 1000. We need tobeware of the deception that it is nearly impossible to be saved, so why eventry. Salvation is not something that you earn. When the prophet Bob Jonessaw the 2 lines in 1975, he estimated that about 1 in 50 were being saved atthat specific time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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