Bothersome Cruelty

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'Why would you be?' The wolf stared at me in confusion.

Well obviously it's because I'm having a Telepathic conversation with you Mr. Blue don't you think it's a little strange that I'm talking to you. Have you ever talked to humans before with your mind!

I hid my face in my hands. Unsure if I had finally lost my mind.

I could feel my hysteria setting in and before I could wait for a reply I sprang for the door. If this wasn't real all the frantic emotions emanating of me might trigger the wolf to attack and my natural instinct for preservation kicked in. I ran inside my house and locked the door. I stared at Mr. Blue for a few seconds through the back window letting his crystal eyes pierce me once more. I waited a few moments all the while holding my breath and waiting for Mr. Blue to respond he didn't. Nor did he attack, he merely sat there as if reading my strange reaction to his answers and flipped his tail back and forth, I ripped my gaze away and retreated to my room. 

Maybe all I need is a really good nap and some Ibuprofen. I thought as I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs. I pushed everything that had just transpired to the my mind and sealed it away as if it had never happened.

Which it hadn't. I probably got sick being out in the rain for so long. Fever dreams, I must have a fever.

After having settled down I did my homework, of course. Mental breakdown aside I had to make sure I was prepared for class tomorrow.

Hopefully, Mr. Blue would leave with a full tummy.

Maybe I'd made a friend like Mr. Tooth and I wouldn't hear his voice anymore after some rest. One could only hope.

That night I fell asleep watching the moons light stream in through my thin purple curtains. It peered through the rain clouds while droplets of rain softly thrummed against the glass. The sound and soft light lulling me into a peaceful dream.

That night I dreamed of Mr. Blue.

His eyes asked me questions I didn't understand as time slowed and snow danced through the trees that surrounded us.

As the snow continued to swirl I could feel the powder melt against my searing skin. I raised my hand and stared at the droplets as they pooled before slipping away toward the earth.

I raised my gaze to the Mr. Blue and stared into his crystal eyes with questions of my own, but he did not answer.

Instead, he started to whine like a wounded puppy. I panicked not knowing what to do but wanting to fix what ever was causing his suffering but there was telepathic conversation just silence.

I tried again, this time trying to will his thoughts into existence, holding his sapphire gaze with the urgency I could feel in my own .

'What?' I mouthed forgetting that no sound could ever leave my lips.

I covered my mouth feeling pain in my heart. The wind picked up and my hair whipped in the air around me for what seemed an eternity. 

I sobbed for the voice I would never find. The voice that would ever elude me. Mr. Blue went silent and howled into the void of snow that surrounded us. The pain in his howl taking the place of the sobs that carried no sound.


I awoke with tears staining my cheeks. The emotions that were free in my slumber no longer reached my heart in the daylight of reality.

I sat in bed as the memories of my dream began to fade. By the time I arrived at school they would be nonexistent. It was a waste to dwell on anything other than knowledge.

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