JEFF! VS JANE THE KILLER! BEGIN!Jeff: your a fan girl of me not worthy I'm spittin bars faster than your wording... Your OBSURD AND A NERD A WHORE A VICIOUS THOT CAN YOU DEFEAT ME?
Jane: I'm pretty sure if not your insane my rhymes are fresher than the rain... And remember when you hurt me there is no pain... BEN was right when he said you couldn't handle me! He was absolutely spot on... JUST ADMIT YOUR NOT STRONG! AND WHILE YOUR FUCKED UP FACE TAKES AWAY YOUR SEEING! I'm gonna take this trophy and not rhyme this next verse... Why? Because I'm Jane the killer and your about to burst...
Jeff: Why? When I realize that you fucked snakeskin? I heard the bed thumping way into the fucking morning... This proves that your a whore of course do you even know how to open doors?
Jane: Hey BUDDY! SORRY YOUR SMALL CLOWN ISNT HERE! The circus wants you back... So sleep tight... My dear...