Chapter Two

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Kupigwa awoke in her cage. She stood up and yawned, she hadn't slept very well because the events of yesterday kept replaying in her mind. She was worried about what would happen to her, she remembered when she was a cub there was a mountain lion named Simba...he bit three of his handlers...four times...they came and shot him with this metal thing and he fell asleep. They took him away and he never came back.
Kupigwa widened her eyes, what if they put her down?! No Kupigwa quit being stupid! They wouldn't do that... She thought to herself and without knowing she began pacing.
" You'll be fine "
" Pf yeah ' fine ' "
" it was a small mistake! They can't really punish you for that can they?"
" ohhhhh yes they can, and they definitely will "
She kept pacing and arguing with herself until Bure woke up.
" Kupigwa! Quit that racket or I'll claw you again!" He growled and moved farther away from her cage, his snoring returned after a few moments. Kupigwa mocked Bure pretending to talk like him behind his back. She turned and came face to face with the big metal machine. No...NO!! She roared and backed away trying to get as far away as possible. She felt her rump press against the back of the fence and she turned to realize she had nowhere to run. She stared in horror at the human and it pulled the trigger. A small little needle hit her in the right front paw, she looked up in confusion and two more came from the machine hitting her in the breast. The same feeling of drowsiness washed over her and she fell asleep...again...

Kupigwa raised her head and blinked a few times she stood up and lifted her head, having it bang on something above her. " Ouch!" She growled and looked around...wherever she was it was dark..and small. She swung her tail around and had it hit both sides so she knew how much room she had...and it wasn't much. Where am I? What am I doing in Where's Bure?! And Bubba?! Where are the humans?!? Kupigwa's thought screaming inside her head she got so confused at all the questions she was asking herself she roared frustrated. Finally she came to a stop, lurching to the side. She felt the box being lifted and she could hear a very loud whirring noise. Kupigwa still felt like she could fall at any minute, she could feel herself swinging around. She growled and laid down..waiting...

Kupigwa jumped up, she didn't feel the swinging anymore! They must have stopped! She got up and started hearing a bit of splintering she looked up and the top of whatever she was in came off. " YES!" She jumped out and immediately gaped at her surroundings..this wasn't home! This was..this..was..she didn't even know what this was. She turned to see three humans scrabbling to get to a very big machine with long sticks at the top she raced after them. " NO WAIT!!" " she roared as they flew into the sky. " please don't leave me here!" She pleaded. She chased after their machine for a while roaring " I WANT TO GO HOME!" She bellowed. Kupigwa was so focused on the big machine that she didn't notice the large tree stump poking out of the ground. She fell over it and skidded across the grass she tumbled around and splashed into a little stream. She squeaked and jumped out looking at her surroundings.." What is this place?" She said cautiously walking around. She was in a very green place, with big trees, bigger leaves and huge vines. The very confused tiger kept walking until she came across a large set of prints. They were very familiar she sniffed them and back up scrunching her nose..." Bleh...nothing like at home..." She said sadly. She stared at the prints and realized she had made some too. " Hey...these...these look like mine!" She said excitedly and ran off, following this large set of prints.

Kupigwa bounded along following her only chance of finding out where she was, when a large force smashed into her ramming her against a tree. It pinned her down and snarled in her ear " Who. Are. You?  " Kupigwa struggled at what looked and sounded like a male tiger.
"IM NOT SAYING ANYTHING UNTIL YOU GET OFF!" Kupigwa struggled her hardest but not knowing how to fight she was helpless. The tiger that was on her growled and let off, she jumped up and studied him. He was a well built cat, with beautiful stripes just like hers. She finally looked into his eyes and he took a step back in shock.
" U-Ujasiri?" He said with a hint of sadness.
" Who?" Kupigwa said in confusion
" My..never mind.." The male tiger growled lightly " I'll ask you one more time..who are you?"
Kupigwa huffed " My name in Kupigwa! "
" My name is Vita, Hunter for the tribe of stripes!" He said standing proud.
Kupigwa looked at him like he was crazy " you take me to this tribe? I need to find out where I am.."
Vita tilted his head " This is the jungle, you've lived here your whole life how can you not know where you are?!"
" I didn't live here my whole life! I just got here!"
Vita blinked at her " You must've hit your head or something..." He looked at her confused once more before padding off in the direction of paw prints. He turned his head to look behind him " Come with me, I'll take you to my tribe!"
Kupigwa bounded after him. Maybe there she'd find answers....


Okay so I know this is a really short chapter and I'm really sorry but I can't work on my stories much because I'm helping my auntie with her baby so in pretty busy. Anyway, vote comment and her are the Swahili words!
Simba- lion! 😆
Ujasiri- courage
Vita- War
So yeah! Thanks again!

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