Chapter 14

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So now everything was clear to Madhu. She badly wanted to punch Rishab right in the nose but knew this would be of no use.

Jenny : (To Madhu) Are you alright dear?

Madhu : (Glaring at Rishab) No aunty.

Rishab: WHAT?

Madhu : (Looks innocently at Jenny) No. He never takes proper care of me.

Rishab: WHAT THE HELL !!! But that's not...

Jenny : (Cutting him off) Very bad son!!! (To Madhu) Don't worry dear, you can tell me.

Rishab tried to get Madhu's attention. He tugged on her hand but Madhu took this as another opportunity to embarrass him further.  

Rishab: Hey. What did I do?

Madhu : (To Jenny) See aunty, that's his problem ...

Jenny looks sternly at Rishab and he immediately lets go of her hand.

Jenny: I know beta but this is because he loves you.

Madhu: No he doesn't. He never comes home on time.

Rishab: We don't even live together.

Madhu : (Fake sobs) What do you mean? See aunty. I mean home honey, our home. I don't even remember the last time we went for dinner together.

Rishab: We? For dinner? Hello miss. we NEVER went for dinner ever.

Madhu: Exactly. See Jenny he confessed it himself.

Jenny lightly hits Rishab's head.

Madhu: 1 Rishab : 0

Jenny: Oi and here I thought you were a caring husband but now I understand you to are like all other men.

She turns towards Madhu.

Jenny: You make yourself comfortable darling. Please do tell me if you need anything.

Madhu nods her head and smirks looking at Rishab who is clearly frustrated by all this high-voltage family drama. Jenny then switches on the tv set for Madhu and takes Rishab with her to the kitchen. Once inside Jenny decided to give Rishab some important lectures. Rishab who was well aware of this grumbled under his breath. Madhubala Malik is so dead when he gets his hands on her.

Jenny: Look, son, now I am going to give you some tips for being a good husband and most importantly a good father.

Rishab : (Thinking to himself) Oh no!! not are surely going to regret this Madhu. Hell, I didn't even get to knock the girl.

The lecture lasted for half an hour. Throughout the lecture, Madhu enjoyed the last missed episode of her favorite tv show. A little later Jenny came out with Rishab and served them lunch. Throughout lunch, Rishab kept staring at Madhu while she completely ignored him. Later when Madhu and Rishab were about to go,

Madhu: Bye aunty, it was nice meeting you.

Jenny: Bye dear and tell me if it is blue or green.

Madhu: Err...sure.

Jenny: And son remember what I said?

Rishab: Ya (thinks) How can I even forget? Not even if I wanted to. (To Madhu) Should we go honey?

Madhu looks suspiciously at him and they went towards the car.

In the car

Neither Madhu nor Rishab said anything but she had sensed something wrong with him. Rishab suddenly stopped the car and Madhu looked around but it was neither her home nor their college. Instead, they were in the middle of a deserted road.

Madhu: Rishab?

Rishab: You know what honey...

Madhu: Excuse me? I am not your honey.

Rishab: You were my honey about ten minutes back and besides I am only calling your name in English, Madhu - honey. 

Madhu: Why have you stopped here?

Rishab: Just to tell you what Jenny taught me.

Madhu: But I am not interested.

Rishab: Then you can get out and walk back to your home.

Madhu: What? Okay then tell but please be quick.

Rishab: She told me how to be a good dad. But for that, i need to be a dad first.

Rishab winked at her and Madhu gasped in outrage. He slowly started closing on her. She slowly reached her hand to open the door but it was centrally locked.

Madhu : (Nervously) Rishab are you alright?

Rishab: Absolutely dear. By the way blue or pink?

Madhu: I think you need rest.

Rishab comes a little closer and Madhu closes her eyes. She tries not to inhale his scent as a little more of this will make her go crazy.

Rishab : (smirks) Well if you will shut your eyes how will you enjoy all this?

Rishab was now so close to her that she could literally feel his breath on her neck. She felt goosebumps wherever his breath touched her and subconsciously she let out a small moan. Rishab silently groaned and decided to back away because he knew Madhu was not that type of girl.


Rishab: I just did what you asked me to. You asked me to hurry up. I am saving you from foreplay.

Madhu: But I didn't mean 'that'.

Rishab : (Making an innocent face) What?

Madhu: The same 'that' you were thinking about.

Rishab: Well I am talking about this.

He brought his hand forward and pulled her dupatta slightly. Madhu was hell shocked by this.

Madhu : (yells) Don't even dare. I won't let this happen even if you are the last man alive...

Rishab quickly covers her mouth with his hand.

Rishab: Oh god. Honestly lady you speak too much ... now let me act (smirks).

He then slowly pulled the seat belt which was stuck with her dupatta behind her seat and then carefully buckled her seat belt and draped Madhu's dupatta around her. Madhu was shocked and relieved at the same time.

Rishab: You were not wearing a seat belt and I don't want to pay police challan. By the way, what were you thinking about? (smirks)

Madhu: Bu...but you said you want to be a dad.

Rishab: Who doesn't? But at right time and with the right girl.

Madhu: Then why did you stop the car?

Rishab: Okay I know I am smart but I can't drive and put seat belt at the same time. So now that I have answered will you tell me what were you talking about -that you won't do it even if I want the last person alive? Do what Madhu? 

Madhu : (annoyed) Nothing...

Madhu: 1, Rishab: 1

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