Chapter 21

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*Unedited* Here is a long update.

The next day Madhu got up early and was relieved that it was the day because supposedly witches didn't roam in broad daylight. They had something against sunlight like Edward Cullen.

Madhu woke up Khushi and the two got dressed and rushed downstairs. Most of the students were already present at the dining table. It was the biggest dining hall that they have ever seen. Actually, the mansion belonged to a queen of British time and this was her favorite place. Everyone was sitting very quietly and only a few students were whispering to each other. Rishab and Arnav were already there. Madhu saw Rishab and he winked at her. Madhu opened her mouth to yell at him but couldn't due to so much silence there. So she quickly grabbed a seat and grumbled. After breakfast, Zuma arrived there.

Zuma: So how was the night boys and girls? Did anyone see the witch of winter? (laughs) Anyway, we all will go to a forest nearby and have different adventures there.

Dipali : (Interrupting them) Ooh I love adventures.

She winked at Rishab and he make a puking face. With that everyone laughed and left for the bus.

When Madhu got into the bus she heard Dipali loudly discussing how she saw a spirit yesterday. Khushi was not with her as she had forgotten her watch on the table beside their bed.

Dipali: I can't even sleep properly. Oh god, why did you make me so beautiful? (fake cries)

Madhu rolled her eyes. She really wanted to hit Dipali with a log or something. No one actually paid attention to her. Only Lavanya and Yuvi listened to her. When Madhu went ahead she saw Arnav sitting all alone. He was reading the book which she wanted to buy for the last six months but couldn't find it anywhere.

Madhu: Hey. Where did you get that book from?

Arnav : (Smiles) Oh this book? Well, it is of my grandfather.

Madhu: Wow, this must be a rare edition.

Miss Della was also with them. Arnav saw her coming towards his seat and she was the last person he wanted to share his sat with. Well second to last. He will choose Della over Lavanya, and Dipali any day.

Arnav: Please sit with me Madhu. (and offered her seat next to him)

Madhu: Thanks. So you too have an interest in reading?

Arnav: Yes. You can have this book as soon as I finish reading it.

Madhu: Really? Thanks.

Arnav: Well I can finish it off in two hours but with Rishab around I think it will take me two days.

Madhu : (Curious) Why?

Arnav: Rishab and books are just like Elsa and heat.

Madhu: Elsa?

Arnav: You know that ice queen. What I mean to say is that they don't go together.

Madhu: Trust me...I know that especially after doing that project with him.

Arnav: Well you can come to our house and take as many books as you want from our library.

Madhu : (Almost screaming) You have a library!!!

Arnav : (Laughs) Calm down woman.

Madhu: Well I must are not as arrogant as Khushi describes you.

Arnav: I know but no offense your friend is insane.

Madhu: Hey she is my friend but what is said is also true. (giggles).

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