Chapter 30

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Shamsher Malik was startled when he heard his daughters asking to come with him. Over the past few weeks, he had seen this tremendous change in both of his daughters and their attachment to a certain new family that he had assumed that it will be difficult for both of them to leave them behind. So he inquired again whether they really wanted to go with him.

Madhu: We are coming with you.

Shamsher: But you yourself told me that you didn't want to come with me? Is there any problem?

Khushi: No uncle. It's our mutual understanding. We want to leave with you.

Shamsher: I have no problem but please don't take any decision in hurry. 

Madhu: It's not any rushed decision papa.

Shamsher: Okay but what about your studies here? And we certainly need to get your certificates back from college.

Just then Armaan arrived there.

Armaan: Don't worry uncle, I will get them. Also, this semester is almost over. I will talk to dad, and he will get Madhu and Khushi admitted to some reputed college.

Shamsher: Thank you so much, son. (Turns to Madhu and Khushi) Are you guys all packed?

Madhu and Khushi nodded and soon left. Armaan knew something was definitely wrong. He had even asked Madhu about it but she didn't reply. Shamsher malik had only reserved a seat for himself on the train, so he decided to go to Lucknow first by bus and leave Madhu and Khushi with their family there till he settled in Mumbai.

While their father was busy putting luggage in the taxi Madhu and Khushi went to see the garden near their house for the last time. The garden held a lot of memories for both of them. This is where Khushi taught Madhu how to dance and failed miserably, where Madhu tried to unearth a secret gold pot (which she was pretty sure about) and ended up being waist-deep in the dirt. Suddenly they heard their father's voice breaking them out of their trance.

Khushi: I'll go and check on him.

Madhu nodded and stood there alone. She saw a butterfly stuck in a bush. She quietly pulled her out and lightly blew air on her wings. In a minute or so the butterfly flew away. 

"It feels to move on. Right?"

She turned around to see a smirking Dipali. Madhu didn't want to talk to her so she started to walk off but Dipali quickly came in between.

Dipali: Haven't you heard what happened last night Madhu? 

Madhu: I didn't.

Dipali: Oh Madhu!! It was magical. 

Madhu: I don't know what you're talking about.

Dipali : (Laughs) Who are you lying to Madhu?

Madhu: Why are you here Dipali?

Dipali: Broken heart (shakes head and gives a fake sad pout). Listen, dear, I just came here to say that please don't come back. I came here to warn you. Rishab is mine so please back off. I don't want any of his previous flings to ruin our relationship. Whatever he had with you is over now. You were his flavor of the month honey. 

Madhu controlled her tears as she didn't want to look weak and turned around. But Dipali grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Dipali: And one free piece of advice Madhubala. Please grow up. These types of hookups and breakups are common in high society. It will be better for you if you don't take all this to your heart. 

She then left with an evil smile. Madhu broke down completely when she left. Her words kept playing over and over again in her mind. Just a fling. How could she be so blind to not notice that? A guy like Rishab was never meant for a girl like her.

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