Chapter Four - "I'm not your Tenten!!"

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As the party came to a close, Tenten made her way towards the exit.

Neji noticed her need to get out and swiftly followed her.

Tenten sighed as she stepped onto the walkway, noticing that the streets were crowding up with people. They were dressed up and seemingly happy. Tenten watched them with slight envy.

It's not that the people in her world were unhappy; she just wasn't, no matter which world she was in.

Tenten could feel her eyes watering, but forced herself to keep her emotions in check.

"Everything alright?"

Tenten turned to see Neji walk towards her. Tenten nodded slightly before turning her head to look elsewhere. Neji hesitated before saying, "Everyone is heading home now. Would you mind if I walked you home?" Tenten shook her head and walked quietly.

Neji took that as a "Yes" and fell in step with her.

Tenten didn't bother trying to look in his direction. He merely scared her above all else.

When they closed in on her home, Neji said softly, "I'm not going to hurt you, Tenten."

Tenten tensed up, but didn't say anything and tried to rush ahead of him. He sighed before grabbing her arm and stopping her.

She jerked away from him and said, "So what if you're a different Neji?! You've given me no reason to trust you! How do I know you won't t-touch me if I turn around to pick something up, or lean over a counter! I don't know anything about the you that's in front of me!"

Neji shook his head.

"Even if I wanted to, I would never touch you, Tenten. Yes, sometimes my mind is in the gutter. But I would never touch a woman. I don't know what kind of man the Neji you know is, but I'm not him. I'll never be him. I care about my friendship with you more than anything else, even if you are from a different world. You're still Tenten. You're still my Tenten."

She blushed furiously and looked into his eyes, searching for the truth only she could believe.

"Your... Tenten?"

He nodded softly, gently placing his hands on her shoulders.

"My Tenten," he replied.


Sakura watched as Tenten held her temper down.

Everyone had grouped at Sakura's house, and although it went as expected, Neji was being exceptionally perverted with every female there that night.

And it infuriated Tenten to the extreme.

She could barely hold her patience when a drunken Hinata came over to mock and mimic her. Finally, unable to take anymore, she stormed out early.

Sakura followed her and said, "Tenten, what's gotten you so riled up?"

"Neji!!" she practically spat.

She knew that it wasn't her world, her friends; her Neji. But it was difficult to watch a lookalike flirt with every girl in there.

"Neji is the reason! He's just being a big idiot in there, and it's pissing me off how he just freaking flirts like that!" Tenten took a deep breath and sighed. "Look, I can't stay," she said, "I'll see you tomorrow alright? Thanks for inviting me to the party."

Sakura nodded and watched silently as Tenten stormed off.

Halfway home, Tenten calmed down and sighed.

Swapped Kunoichi (Completed 2016)Where stories live. Discover now