Epilogue - "Stay With Me, Neji."

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This is an extra chapter. READ AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. It's happy, but it's sad.

But to be honest, for me, it's closure for this story. After watching Boruto the Movie, I couldn't leave it where it was. I was trying to follow the lines of the Narutoverse. I didn't want to make this a Double AU story. Nah, what's a little NejiTen without sorrow? (Hate Me Later, Kay?)

Song of the Moment: Laughter Lines ~ Bastille


Tenten closed up her shop, sighing softly.

The day was decently busy, which wasn't often for her. After the stadium was attacked, the Chunin Exams were cancelled, soon to arise another time.

Of course, Boruto was still a Genin after his little stunt he pulled, but at the same time, he was a chunin in his own right.

She locked the doors up, holding her purse to her as she sighed softly. 'Another day, another night. Nee, Neji?' She looked up in the sky, smiling softly. Even after all the years that had passed, he was still in her memory.

His smile, his kiss, his touch; she had forgotten none of it.

Even after the war took away what she cared about the most. Even now, it bothered her. Even now, she was single.

He would forever have her heart, and deep down, his soul knew it as well. As she walked, she hummed to herself, a tactic that often helped her keep her mind even.

Even though she was at that age where having children was still possible, she found she didn't want one. Every once in a while she'd babysit Metal Li for Rock Lee, since the man was busy training pupils.

And how his son grew, even if he didn't pass the Chunin events, he was skilled, and she believed in him. And then there were the little Hyuga children. Kami, they were adorable, although Bolt reminded Tenten of his father.

She chuckled softly, walking quietly as the sun went down. "Tenten-San?" Tenten glanced at Hinata, and surprisingly, Sasuke, as they stood before her.

"Sasuke. What a surprise." She smiled softly. "It's nice to see you as well, Hinata. How are the children." "As restless as ever," Hinata said, giggling softly. Sasuke simply watched.

"So, what can I help you with?" Tenten asked. "Does Shino need my help?"

"No, actually," Hinata said, smiling. "We've actually come to fetch you. There's something we'd like you to see."

Tenten raised an eyebrow. "Is it a weapon? Believe me you, Naruto has already shown me everything there is to see."

"Oh no, it's much better than that," she replied, waving for Tenten to follow. "Come with us?" Tenten nodded hesitantly, following the Hyuga and Uchiha towards the Hokage's office.


"C-Choji! Ino! And Sai? What's going on here?" Tenten questioned Naruto.

All of her old comrades had gathered in a test room of sorts, and Himawari and Boruto were there as well. "Lee? Is everything alright?"

He beamed softly. "Yes, actually! Are you ready?"

"Ready?" She laughed nervously. "Ready for what?"

Shikamaru, who was standing next to his wife, Temari, smirked softly as he said, "An old friend."

Tenten looked puzzled and opened her mouth, when a knob turned. They all glanced at the nearby door, only to gape at the person walking through. He looked around before glancing at the children. "Hinata... Your children?"

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