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Steven hid behind Lapis, tears forming in his eyes. Lapis was sure something would happen to stop her from being defeated by Jasper, the one who captured her, the one who fused with her and the one who hurt Peridot.

Jasper was glaring at Lapis, she drew back the destabilizer, ready to stab Lapis in the chest if she didn't surrender. Lapis refused to stop, she turned to Steven.

"Run, Steven! Run!" Lapis shouted, Steven ran into the house as Jasper pounced at Lapis, just as she was about to jab the destabilizer into Lapis, a red-brown gem jumped in-front of her and activated some type of shield, the gem then lunged at Jasper, hitting her around the head with a mace a few times. Jasper, again, vanished in a puff of smoke, her gem hitting the ground. The gem picked up Jasper's gemstone and grunted, she put it in her pocket and turned to Lapis.

"Who are you..?" Lapis asked shyly

"Tigers-eye. Nice to meet you." The gem had a slightly Scottish accent. She leant over to Lapis and shook her hand. "I must get going, now. But first, take your friend's gem." She handed Peridot's gem over and jumped on top of the house and onto the temple.

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