Chapter 1: My Perfectly Good Dinner Date is Ruined by a Latino Elf

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Percy fidgeted nervously. It was his and Annabeth's two year anniversary, and he wanted to do something special. So he had talked to Leo, who had come back about a couple weeks ago with a dramatic entrance.

They devised a plan, and now, on their anniversary and Percy's seventeenth birthday, Percy was standing inside his cabin, making sure every detail was perfect and he had everything in order. Annabeth would be here any minute, and he was freaking out. Would she like it?

His freak out session was interrupted by Leo running in the door. He grinned at Percy, and said "She's coming. I'll just be over here."

Leo climbed up onto one of the top bunks. He gave Percy a thumbs up, and sat back to watch the action.

Percy heard a knock on his door, and he took a deep breath. He opened his door, and grinned. Annabeth was outside, her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and in a camp shirt and jean shorts.

"Leo said you wanted to see me? Is everything ok?" Annabeth said a bit worriedly, and Percy laughed.

"Everything's fine. I wanted to surprise you. It's our anniversary, remember?" Percy said, and Annabeth nodded, looking relieved.

"So what's the surprise Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked, trying to see around him and into the cabin.

"Find out." Percy lead the way into his cabin, and Annabeth raised an eyebrow skeptically. In the middle of the cabin, Percy set up a table (No, not Buford. Leo had offered him for the job, but Percy turned him down, knowing his temperamental habits.) On the table sat two pieces of paper, seeming unimportant, but Percy knew better.

"Oh Percy," Annabeth said, her hand going over her mouth. On the table sat two tickets to explore Europe. Stops included London, Paris, Greece, and Rome, since their last trip to the west had been highly disastrous.

"How did you think of this? How are we getting there? When are we leaving?" Annabeth asked rapidly.

"Leo helped me actually," Percy admitted.

From the top bunk, Leo flashed another grin and stage whispered "He was freaking out!"

Percy ignored him, and continued. "Remember he took Calypso on a world tour? Anyway, Leo volunteered to fly us across the Atlantic on Festus, and we're leaving on the twenty fourth. It was the closest date I could get."

"He volunteered me!" Came another whisper from the top bunk.

Percy flicked his fingers and a spirt of water from the water fountain splashed Leo in the face.

"How did you make all the reservations and everything? We're still underage." Annabeth said, looking suspiciously at Percy, who grinned.

"The Stolls helped me. It cost me 20 drachmas." Percy admitted ruefully, and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"So do you like it?" Percy asked a bit nervously, but he was immensely relieved when Annabeth rolled her eyes and pulled him in for a kiss.

Cue the gagging noises from the top bunk.

When they broke apart, Annabeth was smiling. "That answer your question?" She teased, gently hitting him on the arm.

"Umm, yes, but to make sure I think you should answer again." Percy said, thinking quickly.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth laughed, and she picked up the travel brochure.

"So we're going to England first?" She asked, flipping through the pages.

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