Chapter Two

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It was the first month after my father had left. We hadn't heard from him since he left. It was hard and my mother just wasn't coping.

Mum had quit work to stay home to deal with the house and be there for when the twins finished school but when I returned home from school, there was always a phone call from my brother's school saying they hadn't been picked up. Once we left the house mum went to bed and stayed there.

Being in year ten and having a heap of homework didn't make the situation any easier. Mum not getting out of bed, left me with the housework, the cooking and babysitting the boys. There was hardly anytime left for schoolwork by the time everything was done. Going from an A grade student to a D made my life even worse.

Getting the boys ready for school each morning meant getting up at least an hour early than I usaully would. Getting up at 6:00 am instead of 7:00 am made a huge change to the consistent lifestyle that I had lived with the past years having both parents but it meant that I was helping mum out and giving my brothers the normality to life as well as providing them with an education. Helping with the boys also gave me a reason to get out of bed each morning and realise that my dearly loved father just leaving that night wasn't the end of my life. With my brothers been so young, they couldn't help but ask questions as to why Daddy never came home anymore, why we didn't do fun things as a family anymore and why Mummy couldn't bear to look at them, to hug them or to spend time and play with them. It became too much when my smallest brother admitted that he didn't love mum anymore because he hadn't seen her in 5 days. 

I went to school myself but it wasn't the same since Dad had left. I went to school to get away from the dramas of the homelife and to have somewhat time to myself. It was a selfish act, been so young but with having the job of a mother, it was my only escape to be able to lead the normal tenage life that I did before.

As the month went on, my school life only dropped off because I didn't want to put the time or the effort in to succedding like I used too. I went from been an A grade student to slipping to a C at the highest. My freinds watched as I withdraw from my studies, from my friendship gorup and whilst they tried to help em, i felt that they pretnended they had too or they just didn't care to help me. I guess you could say that's when I left my true group of friends and opted for the group that everyone had the label of 'no good' on. Where my addiciton started.

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