I wish this was my second home...

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The class had ended, several students headed home while the others went to the school cafeteria. Ideally I would do the same. But here I was, in front of my concerned homeroom teacher.

"... And I believe you're a good kid who just wants to have a pleasant and peaceful high school life. So as your teacher, I advise you to stay away from her. However, the decision is undoubtedly yours," she said.

Why was she doing more than the bare minimum? Even if she decided not to tell me all this, I doubt anything bad would happen to her. After thinking for a moment, she spoke again.

"I am obligated to tell you that the photography club has sent an official application inviting you to join."

The tone of her voice seemed to suggest that I should decline. I had a pretty good idea who the president of the club might be.

I told her that I accept and would like to join, which seemed to make her a little sad. But she did her job and told me what I needed to know.

"Thank you for everything you do," I said.

Walking out of the faculty room, it was obvious that my remaining classmates were trying to avoid looking in my direction. This high school life is off to a great start.

Eventually I found the photography clubroom on the second floor, at the edge of the school. I casually walked in.

"Huh, didn't think that would work. I should've known I was a genius. The club's budget upgrade is going to be sweet," Leah said from my right, giggling to herself.

The room was green and bigger than I expected. From the photos on the wall, the cats and purple roses caught my eye. It was windy, and the windows were at just the right place. The subtle smell of strawberries was in the air. I like this place, if only it were my very own.

"Do you know what a ghost member is?" I asked.
"Yeah. That's what you're going to be, but that's the most I expected from you anyway so I don't care."

Glad to know we're on the same page.

I settled down at the desk by the window. Leah was at the desk across the room, eating cake while reading a book. It's hard to believe that someone like her could hurt my friend. To think I was immune... looks deceive me even in this life.

To relax, I took off the tie that was bothering me, and closed my eyes.

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