Chapter Eleven

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They lay on Castiel's bed, fingers intertwined. There had been a good few minutes of comfortable silence before Cas spoke up "Dean?" he asked. "Cas?" Dean smirked. "Do you think we rushed into things?" Oh, Dean hadn't expected this. "What makes you say that?" Dean asked, thumb brushing over Castiel's forehead. Cas sighed a frustrated sigh. "I don't know, I mean suddenly I have a friend for the first time in my life and then a few days later I have...well..." he faltered. "You have?" Dean said gently. "A...A boyfriend..." Cas answered slowly, looking up at Dean warily. Dean felt his chest swell with pride. Boyfriend. Dean's past self would have scoffed at the word, but now? Now it made him feel valued, like he was important enough to Cas to receive that title."Mhm?" Dean murmured, eyebrow raised, a small smile playing on his lips. Cas smiled, relaxed at his reaction. "Well, how do you feel?" He asked. Dean sighed"Honestly?" Cas nodded. "I think we've gone at a very laid back pace , considering the crazy feelings I felt as soon as I saw you." Cas blushed slightly, "Really?" Dean smiled "Really." he whispered, thumb brushing over Cas's cheek softly. "So that's when you first felt attracted to me?" Cas beamed, bashfully. "Sure was." Dean chuckled slightly "As soon as I saw your freaking angel eyes." Cas sighed happily, nuzzling into Dean's shoulder. Dean suddenly felt a wave of curiosity that felt kind of foreign to him... He wasn't one to dwell on emotions... well, he used to be one who didn't dwell on emotions, now it was different. "When did you first feel attracted to me?" He asked. Cas grinned. "Well, i first felt attracted to you when you said goodbye that night in the library, before climbing out of the window like the criminal you are." Dean smiled cockily, remembering. "Then, I think the first time I felt something more was when... was when you called me adorable." Cas ended quietly, mouth twitching. Dean felt a great warmth rush though his heart. It delighted him to think that he had impacted on Cas in such a way. "Yeah, well that's cos you are." he said. Cas looked at him, eyes soft and appreciative. Dean brought his hand below Castiel's chin, tilted his head and gently guided Castiel's lips to his own. 

When they parted, before Dean could pull him in again, Cas piped up "Do you want to watch a movie?" Dean shrugged nonchalantly "Sure." Cas grinned, getting off the bed. Dean frowned, missing the warmth of him already. "I'll just finish changing back into my pyjamas- Oh! You don't have any." Cas realized, frowning slightly. Dean smirked playfully "Hey, don't worry about it, I sleep commando." Cas scowled at him "Not here you don't." He grumbled. Next thing Dean knew Cas was standing there holding a pair of grey pyjamas... embroidered with bee's. "Uh..." Dean faltered, looking them up and down. "Can I just have the bottoms?" He requested sheepishly. Cas rolled his eyes "Fine."

Dean's eyes danced over Cas's smooth back and shoulder blades as he removed his jumper. He was absolutely stunning, the evening light reflecting off his pale skin. Cas turned his head slightly to find Dean staring "Look away Winchester." He smirked. Dean grunted in response, looking away, embarrassed. Cas pulled on his pyjama shirt and faced Dean as he buttoned it. "Here." He said, throwing Dean the grey bee pyjama bottoms. "I'll go see what movies are on." He smiled slightly at Dean before leaving the room. Dean smiled dreamily after him. He took off his boots and changed into the soft, cotton pyjama bottoms. He traced the little yellow thread bumble bees with his finger. Cute.  He pulled off his jacket and shirt to reveal his bare back and chest. He smirked mischievously at the thought of Cas's face at him walking in topless. 

"So, what movies we got?" Dean asked, swaggering into the living room area, pyjama bottoms riding low on his waist, showing his hips and a hint of his v line. Cas was standing in front of the small flat screen TV that had been camouflaged beneath books in front of the coffee table. Dean watched him remove the last book from on top of the screen and press the on button. "I take it you don't use the TV that often?" Dean commented, a hint of amusement in his voice. Cas sighed, shaking his head. "No, we read." Cas said dully. "I thought you liked reading?" Dean asked, confused, walking over to him. "I do, it's just, there are more things in life." He said wistfully. "Well surely now that your folks are gone, you can do whatever you want? Even something as rebellious as watching TV." Dean smirked, wrapping his arms around Cas's waist. "Oh, Ha. Ha." He said, rolling his eyes "But yes, I suppose I can." Dean rested his chin on his shoulder, looking at the screen as Cas did. "Okay, so there's two films showing tonight. Both starting in five minutes." Dean rubbed his chin on the soft material of Cas's shoulder. "The first Harry Potter film-" Dean groaned in disapproval "And some Batman film." Cas finished, dismissively. Dean's ears pricked up at this. "Batman's on?!" he exclaimed. "Yes, but so is Harry Potter." Cas said simply, pressing the remote button to get to the channel that was going to play Harry Potter. "Hey, hold up Cas! Batman's on." Dean protested, looking at Cas incredulously. Cas ignored him, staring at the screen. Dean grabbed his wrist that was holding the remote and Cas looked at him, eyebrow raised. His eyes suddenly widened as he took in Deans appearance, eyes roaming over his topless form. Dean smirked at him confidently, raising an eyebrow back at him. Cas gulped, his mind elsewhere for a moment before he shook his head, snapping back to reality. He scowled at Dean, narrowing his eyes at him accusingly as he pulled his wrist out of Dean's grasp. Dean lunged forward for the remote but Cas took a step back. They stood face to face, as if sizing each other up, waiting for the other to make a move.  Suddenly, Cas made a run for it towards the kitchen but Dean threw himself forward, grabbing Cas's legs, making him fall onto the wooden floor below, pulling Dean down with him. Dean laughed as he climbed on top of Cas, holding him down. "Come on, hand it over." he ordered. Cas glared at him defiantly. Dean tried to prize the remote from Cas's tightly closed fist when he felt a sharp pain on his knuckle. Cas had bitten him. "You savage!" Dean exclaimed in surprise, frowning as he rubbed his knuckle. Cas grinned playfully, seizing his opportunity. He pushed Dean off him but Dean's reflexes kicked in and he grabbed his shirt, making him slide back towards him as he tried to scramble away. "Not so fast." He grunted. "Gimme it." He said, holding out his open palm. Cas looked up at him, Dean could see a dark, mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "Make me." Cas growled. Well, fuck. Dean flashed him a devilish smirk and before Cas could do anything, he pounced, kissing his neck all over, placing his hands firmly on Cas's hips, pinning him down. Cas giggled but stayed strong. Damn, he was stubborn. "Right then, you asked for it." Dean said, stopping the kisses. "What?" Cas asked, eyes wary. Dean plunged his hands into Castiel's sides, tickling him mercilessly. Cas writhed around on the floor, laughing hysterically. "Enough?" Dean chuckled. Cas shook his head stubbornly. Dean tickled him harder, making him shriek with laughter. He kept going as Cas's face turned pink, tears rolling down his face. Until finally, "Okay- OKAY!"he wheezed, desperately. Dean removed his hands, letting Cas catch his breath. "Batman?" Dean questioned. Cas nodded his head, defeated. "Great!" he exclaimed happily, holding his hand out for Cas. Cas glared at him, before rolling his eyes, reluctantly taking his hand. Dean pulled him up to face him, grinning at his victory. 

They curled up on the sofa together, huddled close, watching Batman. Cas had shown more interest than Dean expected and remained patient as Dean rambled on about the amazing plots and characters and special effects. When the first add break came on Cas went to the kitchen to make popcorn. Dean felt his phone buzz at his side. He opened it and saw a text from John. "Sam will be OK to leave hospital tomorrow but they want to keep him till around 1 pm to make sure. I got the silver. When I leave with Sam I'll book us into the other motel in town. I'm not risking us staying where we are. Be ready to move your stuff when we get back. -Dad." Dean replied quickly "OK I will. - Dean" Okay, so he just had to get back before one o'clock tomorrow, that was alright. Dean locked his phone and slid it back onto the sofa beside him. Cas emerged from the kitchen with a large bowl of popcorn. He slumped onto the sofa beside Dean and held out the bowl, offering it to Dean. Dean smiled thankfully, extending his arm out. Suddenly Cas dived his hand into Dean's armpit, tickling him. Dean jumped, feeling the tickles inside his arm "No! NO, CAS-" Dean protested desperately. "I'm not ticklish!" he tried to claim, his own laughter cutting him off. Cas threw his head back, laughing evilly. "PAYBACK!" he shouted as he tickled Dean. "F-F-OR WHA-T?!" Dean cried out, squirming under Castiel's strong grasp. "For bullying me into watching batman." Cas growled, grinning mischievously. "Say you're sorry." Cas ordered, putting down the popcorn. "No." Dean snapped. He didn't like being tickled, It made him feel vulnerable. Cas pushed down both of Dean's arms and held them there with one hand, while the other moved to Dean's rib cage. Dean felt Cas's fingers brush past his sensitive, bare skin and he felt his breathing hitch. Cas looked at him, a knowing smile playing on his lips. Dean narrowed his eyes at him defiantly. Cas continued moving his fingers across Dean's skin, slowly down to his side. Dean shivered as he felt his fingers travel to his hip, tracing the bone. Dean noticed that his breathing had gotten heavier as he stared at Cas intently. He could easily break free of Cas's grasp, but why on earth would he do that, when Cas's hand was travelling over his bare skin? Cas's eyes met Dean's as he suddenly started to tickle his side, Dean's body jerked, but before Cas could get carried away again, Dean broke free one of his arms and grabbed Castiel's hand. "Sorry." He breathed. Cas looked at him and Dean saw his eyes dart down to his lips. Dean looked up expectantly and Cas slid both hands under Dean's face and pressed a long, deep kiss to his lips. Dean felt him sigh into the kiss contently, before pulling away, resting his warm forehead against Dean's "Apology accepted." He grinned.

Dean watched the end credits start to roll on the bright TV screen. He sighed happily, what a great movie. Dean's eyes traveled down to see Cas, illuminated in the darkness by the TV. His arms were wrapped around Deans middle and his head rested on Dean's shoulder, face nuzzled into the crook of Dean's neck. Dean inhaled the scent of his dark hair (fresh paper, just-washed cotton pyjamas and sweet popcorn) Dean breathed out contently. He switched off the TV and watched the constant, slow rise and fall of Castiel's chest as he slept in the moonlight. Dean stroked Cas's soft messy hair as he felt his deep, warm, breaths, tickle his neck. Dean felt his eyes grow heavy, feeling completely at peace in this moment. Dean's eyelids slowly closed. Everything was perfect at this point in time. He loved Cas and Cas loved him. That's all that mattered. 

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