Go Away and Let Her Stay (Ch 21)

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A/N: I'm back!!!!! So I promised some of you an explanation about why I didn't update for a year, which I did not intend to happen at all, if you don't really care then you can just skip it and go on with the chapter. It's what I do lol. Anyway on to my explanation. A lot of things happened this past year that had a huge emotional impact on me, two big things really. First, I had what I'm dubbing an Allie moment. A former male friend of mine, who I considered to be my best friend showed up at my house and told me that he didn't want to be friends with me any more. He used every insecurity that I ever told him to make it seem like it was my fault. I got upset and a while back he had confessed that he liked me romantically but I didn't really feel the same way, so I asked him if the reason he didn't want to be friends anymore was because he couldn't handle the fact that I didn't like him the same way. And he didn't exactly say yes but he said he was debating whether or not to kiss me that day. At this point I got even more mad because he has a girlfriend!! I told him it was a good thing he didn't or I would have slapped him. I asked him to leave and he wouldn't, instead he sat on my porch crying and writing me a letter. Eventually my sister who he was and still is friends with had to make him leave. I was very proud of myself for not crying in front of him, but I did cry my eyes out as soon as I was alone. It hurt a lot and if that was emotionally draining enough for me not to feel like writing, he also knew about this fanfic. I got very worried that I had been leading him on in some way. I'm pretty sure you can see why I felt that way. I just couldn't even think about this fanfic without being reminded of it. It took me a long time to be able to come back and work on this. And if that wasn't enough, I got into a huge fight with my mom that has left us still on shaky terms now. It's been a long and emotional year. I would just like to thank everyone for sticking with my story, and for posting comments. I really enjoy reading them and it makes me feel more motivated to update quicker for you guys. I would like you all to know that what ever happens I won't stop writing this story until it is finished. I made it extra long for all of you. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you all again! Please vote and comment! If you have any questions I will be more and happy to answer them. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

PS: Also because it has been so long I suggest you read the last chapter to remind yourself what is going on.


My eyes crusty and my head pounding, I wake to a day I wish I didn't have to face. I don't have to look in the mirror to know that I look like crap. I tried so hard not to cry but in the end it was a moot point cause the damn eventually broke and I cried myself to sleep. I'm disappointed in myself for letting him get to me again. I need to move on and I just feel like I haven't one bit. It's starting to get ridiculous and I don't know how much heartache I can face. There was only one good thing that came out of last night, and it wasn't that stupid kiss. It was the cold hard truth and maybe this is exactly what I needed. This will give me the strength and resolve to finally move on. From this point on he is nothing more to me then a friend.

            The bus was eerily quiet, which in no way would help me for my plan for this morning. I had woken up earlier then everyone else. I just wanted to get out of this metal trap and get some fresh air to clear my head. I got up slowly, stepping out of my bunk. I thank whoever is up there that I got one of the bottom bunks as I sneak towards the bathroom with a bundle of clothes and toiletries in my hands. My heart starts to beat a little harder as the bathroom door gets closer. I'm almost home free. Well sort of, I have to get out of this bus first. Shut up and let me have this.


            God damnit. I turn to see Louis standing there dressed in some sweats and a loose t-shirt. His hair is sticking up, messily in all directions, looking half asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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