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As I fill up the last few cups of lemonade for Sunday dinner, I can feel every eye on me. Looks of sorrow and pity are all I have been receiving for the past three weeks since my mother passed.

People flow in and out of our house daily, bringing food and offering to do our laundry or clean up around the house. My father denies the requests though, saying that is the responsibility of his wives and children.

"Everything looks great, Nora," Cynthia flashes me a smile as she walks by to go bring out the food from the church kitchen. I was always close to Cynthia. She was the closest to my mother besides my father and me and my siblings. She has been my shoulder to cry on, my friend to vent to when my father wasn't willing to listen. She has always been a second mother to me and often called me her daughter. She's easily been my favorite of my father's other wives and even taught my brothers and I how to sew. My father would scold her constantly for being too involved with children that aren't hers and she would scamper off like a scared little kitten. But we'd always find her making her way back to us after a while and picking up right where she left off.

The sound of something splashing in water brought my attention from the glasses of lemonade I was filling to the lake that butts up to the grass of the outside dining hall. I can see a tall guy skipping rocks on the lake surface. He's wearing all black and his curly brown hair tousles in the wind. I notice how his arms are littered with tattoos and his jeans are extremely tight.

"Nora what are you doing!", I look over at my brother, Nathan standing across the table from me looking down at the table with wide eyes. I look down at the cups of lemonade that I have overfilled and are spilling out onto the table. I hear a variety of gasps telling me everyone has noticed my moment of misfortune. I quickly set the pitcher down and reach for some napkins. As I start cleaning, I glance over to the boy at the edge of the lake and notice I have gained his attention as well. He peaks over the top of his square black sunglasses watching me look like a fool and then turns back around, glancing at the water. Cynthia approaches me with a sweet smile and states, "Oh dear, well I never was a fan of this table cloth anyways", chuckling as she helps me clean up my mess.

After dinner, everyone scattered back to their homes for the night. I stayed with most of the wives to help clean up. Cynthia and Susan could tell I was still quite embarrassed from the lemonade incident earlier so they sent me home early. As I walk into the house, I see my father sitting in his chair in the living room reading the newspaper. He glances up at me through his reading glasses perched on his nose. "Hey there Sweet Pea," he smiles at me and pats his lap for me to come sit. I lightly smile and mosey my way over to him, taking a seat on his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder and he gives my forehead a light kiss. "Tired?" he asks. I nod with a "mhm" following. He chuckles and pats my leg for me to stand up. He stands as well and says "Me too, I am going to hit the hay. Leave the door unlocked for Suze and Cynth and you get some sleep". I nod my head in agreement. He starts to walk off to his bedroom and turns around to me, "Oh and Nora, the house needs to be spotless before you go to bed", he gives me one more smile before departing down the hall.

After cleaning the house from top to bottom, I am finally able to shower and head to bed. I get into my sleep clothes and kneel beside my bed to do my nightly prayers. I pray for my mother, father, my brothers and sisters, Susan, Cynthia, every member of The Ordinance, anyone who doesn't know God, and in conclusion with every prayer we say "And I pray for the Prophet for he is the physical form of God".

I turn off the lights in my room and climb into bed and under the covers. I look out of the window next to my bed and I can see the moon shining bright in the sky. I like to think it is my mother shining down on me every night. The moon light shines bright on a tree out back and I can see a figure leaned up against it. I can't see a face but I can tell by the outline of their hair flowing in the wind that it is the boy from the lake. I see him putting something up to his face with a glowing red light on the end. He turns around to walk away but stops and turns his head toward my window. I lean back into bed quickly hoping he hadn't noticed me. I wait about 10 seconds and slowly lean back to look out of the window but see nothing. He was gone. The only thing left was the cigarette still glowing on the ground.

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