The Break

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I don't remember how long Ev ignored me for, but I remember that every time I saw her, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her. And I wanted her to say it back.
It was maybe a week of agony. A week where Evangeline was busy, and her whole family was sick and didn't wanna get me sick as well. Who knows, maybe that actually was the case, but it was highly unlikely. Evangeline was definitely ignoring me.
I asked Maisie's sister Angel one day if Evangeline was okay, if she seemed normal at work. Angel paused for a moment. "She seemed distant, distracted. She almost got another whipping but lucky for her, I've got connections and I got her out of that." She shrugged. "Why, something going on with you two?"
I didn't answer. I just sighed and went to her house, knocking on the door. It was Root that opened the door, and instantly, he was fake coughing.
"Can it, Root, I know you're not sick. Can I speak to Eva?"
"She's busy." I pushed past him into the house and immediately went to her room. It was the smallest room in the house, barely bigger than a broom closet, but somehow, Eva made that space work. I stepped in, as the door was already open.
Evangeline was sitting on her bed staring at something- a wilted white rose on her windowsill. I frowned.
"Have you come here to tell me you denied Snow's offer?" She asked, not looking at me.
"I just wanted to see you."
"I don't want to see you." Evangeline responded standing up. She grabbed a safety pin and the wilted rose and stepped over to me. She pinned it to my shirt and looked up at me. "When this rose is stained with blood, it'll no longer be perfect. Will you still be proud to wear it when that happens?" She asked angrily. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it quickly. "That's what I thought." Evangeline said with a sigh.
"You're joining the enemy, Mason. It's them or me." Eva said, her voice stern and broken.
"What if I promise not to hurt anyone?" I asked frantically, reaching out for her hands.
"You can't promise not to hurt anyone. That's what Snow does. He makes you believe you're good enough, and he's turning you against yourself! What happened to the Mason that hated anything to do with the Capitol? I want that Mason back! Snap out of it! We can still run before you're taken."
I shook my head. I knew what would happen if I denied Snow now. Snow made it explicitly clear that this was our only option to marry each other. That I had to become a peacekeeper or he'd kill Evangeline and her family. That was enough for me to say yes. I didn't know Eva would hate me. But I'd rather she hate me than be killed.
"Eva..." I whispered. "We can't. Not anymore. This is our life from now on. If you love me, even a little, you'll come with me."
I hated myself. I hated myself and I wished President Snow had threatened to kill me instead. I used her love for me against her. I hated myself.
The color drained from her face. She remained silent for a moment before she shook her head. There were tears in her eyes.
"Then I guess I don't love you." She whispered. The last four words made my heart collapse and shatter like glass. They were the words I'd only heard in my worst nightmares. I don't love you.
"E-E-Eve..." I stammered. "You don't mean that..."
"Go." Evangeline whispered. "Please."
"Eva.. I'm sorry."
"I said go!" Eva shouted. I sighed and closed my eyes, deciding not to fight her.
"I love you." I whispered before I left. Eva didn't respond.

I sighed as I waited near the train to go to the Capitol. I had all my belongings in my bag over my shoulder. I bit my lip and watched for Evangeline in case she decided to come say goodbye, even though I knew she wasn't coming.
The train doors opened, and a Capitol citizen ushered me on. My eyes widened in awe at the sight of all the food I'd never seen before. President Snow did this. This was how they treat the tributes before they go into The Arena. I immediately knew something wasn't right.
The train started moving, and when I looked out the window, I saw a familiar blonde braid running after me. Her lips were moving, like she was yelling for me. But before I saw what Evangeline was saying, the train disappeared into a tunnel.

Evangeline's POV

My face paled when I saw he's actually gone. He was actually leaving. "Mason..." I whispered. "I didn't mean it. I love you." I stared after the train for a couple of minutes until I felt an icy hand on my shoulder. I turned quietly and then Points lips were on mine.
Instantly, I pushed him back, disgusted and sick to my stomach. Point smirked and wiped his mouth. "Get back to work, Greenly." He spit, grinning at me.
I was shaking and angry, and without hesitation, I tackled Point. Rage filled me. I would not let this happen to anyone ever again. My fist flung back, and when I swung down, I hit his teeth. My knees were on his shoulders as I pummeled him until his face was almost unrecognizable, before someone finally pulled me back.
"I WANT TO KILL HIM!" I screamed as whoever was carrying me dragged me away before the other Peacekeepers arrived. A callused hand covered my mouth, the same mouth Point just kissed.
"Be quiet unless you wanna get yourself killed!" The person whispered in my ear. As if THAT was comforting. He carried me into the marketplace and behind a curtain where there were seven people sitting.
He dropped me on the ground where I cowered and slid against the wall, shaking. My fists had Point's blood on it, but I did not regret it. I never would.
A woman saw my nervousness and knelt beside me. "Don't worry, hun," she whispered. "We're not going to hurt you." Her eyes were a piercing grey and I could see she was aging already.
"Who are you?" I asked shakily.
She gave a warm smile. "I'm Alma Coin."

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