Old Allies

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Disclaimer - I do not own Merlin

Arthur's POV

Three knights stood before me wearing long, dark-blue cloaks; the tallest, standing on the far left had short brown hair, chestnut eyes, and dark skin. On his right was a slightly shorter man, with shoulder-length jet-black hair, pale skin and blue eyes. Not the kind of startling blue I saw everyday in my manservant's eyes, but a more muted shade that was quite at odds with the rest of the man's appearance. The final knight had medium-length golden hair, naturally-tanned skin and forest-green eyes. It seemed that the only thing they had in common was their chainmail and blue cloaks. For a while we stood in silence until the knight with the blue eyes stepped forward.

"Your Highness," he began, bowing slightly, "your time is greatly appreciated. My name is Cassian, and they," he gestured to the knights behind him, "are Atlas and Finnian." I nodded towards them in recognition of the introduction.

"It is unfortunate that we arrive here unannounced but it could not be avoided. We have a group currently residing outside of the realm of Camelot and it has been vital that we remain hidden to regroup after tragedy struck our kingdom 10 years ago." Well, that caught my attention.

"And what kingdom would that be?"

"Tregor, sire. For years we lived in peace under our King, until one of his closest knights, Elrich," he practically spat out the name, "got greedy. He stormed the kingdom, killing many including our Princess. We aided the Prince and his mother's escape, but we were never able to find them after the invasion. The King also managed to escape, but the kingdom fell to Elrich. He remains a tyrant there to this day." To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I remembered my father speaking of Tregor when I was a child. I also knew that ties between our kingdoms had gradually broken; we would never have been able to have kept up an alliance with a kingdom that practices magic. Yet news of the kingdom's fall should have reached Camelot years ago. I was a little apprehensive now, knowing that the knights before me likely wielded the dark forces of magic.

"We have finally managed to regroup enough to take on Elrich's forces, but only if we have your help. We would not ask if there were any other option, but our kingdoms were allies once, perhaps they can be again." Silence filled the main hall as I deliberated my response. I couldn't possibly give in to their request. To help a kingdom of magic would surely be an insult to my father. However, our kingdoms were allies once, our former kings were once close; would my father have ignored old friends? I was torn.

For a while we just stood there, staring at each other. Everyone in the room seemed to be holding their breath awaiting my response.

"I will need some time to come to a decision. As you are likely aware, this kingdom does not tolerate magic, and so giving you our support may prove challenging. For now, please allow my manservant, Merlin, to guide you to our guest rooms. You may stay until I have made my decision, but I ask that you refrain from practicing magic for the duration of your stay."

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this newest update, sorry that it's so short. Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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