Twenty Two - Conversations

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Chapter Twenty Two

Hmmm I shall be ending this chapter sometime in the next three weeks bc I'm on holiday soon so I'm hoping to update vedi often. Yay enjoy (: This is dedicated to Stylish Geek bc reasons. Thanks love for making me see the light.

Btw, I'm really happy with the latter part of this story, like, I thought I portrayed Drew really well so meh if you guys don't like it, not ma fault because I happen to be stoked with how it came out whoo! Vote and comment if ya want babezzzz xx0x0x0x

I'm kind of nervous when I'm getting ready for my lunch with Wes. Then again, I'm kind of not. I'm excited I think. I mean, I'm different now. I know what I want and what I want is to have fun. Wes ... He made a fool of me; trying to get with me then turning around and having 'a thing' with another girl. But now, now I'm not to be played, not to be made a dick of and definitely not to be tricked. Not by Wes' womanizing ways. Not by anything. I'm Asha-Jade Carson and I am a fierce individual that don't take nothing from nobody. Well, at least that's what Miley says. She makes me recite to myself whenever I feel doubtful. Now is one of those times so I quietly repeat it to myself as I stare at myself in the mirror. After the sixth time, I'm feeling confident so I finally get to work on my appearance.

I don't need to fluff about with this one, I planned my outfit in my head a while back. It's not too sexy yet not to boring, it's just right in my opinion. I do my make-up first and straighten my hair l before slipping on my high-neck, patterened crop top, a black skirt and leather and velvet boots. I slip on a thick gold chain and slip on my gold watch along with my usual jewellry. After double-checking my reflection and saying a quick goodbye to Finn (who's going to lounge around doing nothing for a while), I grab my bag and leave the apartment.


He's already sitting down when I get there. After taking a deep breath and flicking my hair behind my shoulder, I produce an award-winning smile. "Wes!"

He looks up and grins. "Hey Asha."

He stands up and gives me a quick hug before pulling out my chair. I sit down graciously while he takes his place across from me. He gestures to my clothes. "You look nice."

"Yes well I thought I should be taken more seriously, you know, not be regarded as a child or anything," I say back with a sugary smile even though my tone holds malice. I can't help but have one sour dig at him.

He frowns at my response and opens his mouth to say something but I stop him. "No no Wes, don't say anything. It's all in the past now. I'm willing to move on if you are?"

He looks shocked so I give him my most sincere look until he relaxes. "Yeah, we can move on."

I am being serious though, I don't want to dwell on the past. Wes and I were such a big mind game that it'd be nice to move on. He gives me a smile that I return, clapping my hands together in the process. "Right, well then, I think this calls for some celebratory champagne."

I signal the waiter and after I've ordered us both a glass, Wes looks at me completely shocked. "You drink now?"

I laugh and wave him away. "Wine is an acquired taste; I've grown to like it."


"I do try," I say with a small smirk.

The rest of the lunch goes smoothly and I know for sure my feelings for Wes haven't disappeared but they're controllable and that's something I like. He also looks delightful in his Snapback and button down shirt attire; something in which I realised I've missed.

After the lunch, we agree to hang out again sometime soon, all signs of any awkwardness having disappeared completely. It's nice to just start again, start from scratch. To forget everything that went down a month ago and finally move forward. It puts me in a positive mood. He gives me a big bear hug goodbye -- another thing I realise I've missed -- and we part ways. When I make my way home, I have a smile on my face that just won't go away.

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