Twenty Three - Rude Awakenings

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Hmmm I'm unsure about this chapter but I've kind of mapped out the rest of the story in my head (lol jk, not really) oops anyway, I kind've know where I want to go from here so bear with me through the messy chapters I've been giving you. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter all the same though. (:

And in the side bar is the song 'Same Love' by Macklemore and I'm really pleased with the timing of this chapter because as some fo you may know, New Zealand just legalised same-sex marriage and I think that is just one of the best things ever (if you don't feel the same way, I respect that but I'm not afraid in saying how I feel about the situation considering it's my page and story). Aaaanyway, so have a listen because it's a fab song and can't you imagine Drew rapping it and adding in some of his own lyrics? Unf, I can't even.

:D This chapter is dedicated to me because my grOUNDING IS FINALLY UP. I HAVE BEEN GROUNDED FOR A WHOLE MONTH AND NOW I AM FREE. Ok great thanks enjoy.

Today's the big day, well, Friday's the main big day but today we shoot our song and Friday it's released so they're both big days really. 

I wake up early to make myself breakfast and when I sit down to eat, I find it quite lonely. I dropped Finn home yesterday and now I'm back to being alone. I was getting used to having company around too. I eat in silence before jumping into the shower. When I emerge from the steam and hot water, I feel awake and ready for the day. Ally wants to do my styling for the clip at the studio so I wear casual clothes there. We aren't doing anything fancy for the video clip because we agreed it would kind of defeat the purpose, so we're just doing it so that Drew and I are in the studio sitting down and jamming instead of some big production that would use a lot of money.

When I get to the Syco building, I say hi to everyone I know and make my way up to the floor I work on. I pass Carly-Rose on the way and end up chatting to her for a while resulting in me running late. I still find it weird that so many acts from the X Factor were signed and in a way, I feel like I cheated, having skipped that entire process and receiving a recording contract almost straight away.

When I finally get into the studio, Ally is annoyed that I'm late and starts to work on me straight away. She's halfway through my make-up when Drew walks into the room, followed by my team and his. We all greet each other and I notice that the outfit Drew is wearing and the one I'm supposed to be wearing, match together neatly. He's wearing tan chinos, a white t-shirt and a blue, white and red striped scarf. And what I'm planned to wear is a cute blue dress, black boots with knee high stockind and red jewellery. It's very Americanised and I think that's what the aim was by Ally considering we're targeting our own country -- but also predominantly the world -- about the acceptance of same sex relationships. She thinks of everything that girl, I'm quite impressed.

When Ally's finally finished everything, we're finally ready to get down to the good part; the actual singing.

I sit down behind the piano and Drew sits near me, guitar in hand. After instructions are given to us, we start filming. The process takes a while because we keep making mistakes but eventually get there in the end. And when we hit it, it's glorious. There are hugs all around when we make a perfect run through and when we all watch it back, it looks and sounds amazing.

Afterwards, when we're packing up, Drew invites me to a party they're having at their apartment tonight, he says 'it'll just be a chill thing' so I accept the offer, happy to have something to do later on.

We say goodbye to everyone and Drew walks me to my car. We part ways on the promise I'll make an appearance at their apartment sometime later tonight.

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