(Young) Sirus Black x reader

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It was a Saturday after noon, you were walking down the hall when you fell over bumping someone down on the other side

It was Severus Snape, he was cold and dark "filthy mud blood.." He mumbled and walked away

This hit you hard, it made you angry, but before you could do anything you heard Sirius and James walk down the hall

They walked right past you with out even an glance.

You sighed to your self, and picked up your own books. Walking off to class to plan the biggest prank.

~a couple days later~

You were waiting you knew that Snape came to this tree a lot, to hang out

You waited till he climbed in when you pulled your wand out and he was picked up by his foot into the mid air.

His pants flew off as did his shirt and he hung upside down pretty much naked but his underwear and those soon flew off, you put a hand on your mouth laughing.

Girls screamed and ran away as guys laughed

Sirius had looked over and saw you with your wand out, and he laughed smiling at you

You caught each other eyes and you blushed instantly, he chuckled and watched Snape but then fireworks went off from his arse

And you set him on the ground, he grumbles embarrassed and collects his clothes and runs away

Sirius walked over to you "hey did you do that?" He raised an eyebrow looking at you

You blushed nodding silently "y-yeah.."

"No need to be shy that was amazing!" He held up his head for a high five, you softly high five him. And there was a small spark when you touched.

You both instantly blushed.

"Sirius!" James called after him

"Uh I'll see you later..." He looked up at you and scratched his head

"(F/n), (f/n) (l/n)." You smiled softy tilting your head softly

"Mine is Sirius, Sirius Black." He mocked your tone playfully and ran off then waved as he ran to his friends

~a few days more~

He was at his table watching you zoned out completely from his friends, he couldn't believe he had never noticed you before. You were beautiful and amazing. Smart to come up with something to take care of senvillus. He chuckled to him self

"Just ask her out pad foot." James nudged him

"I don't see why you haven't." Said moony

Worm tail wasn't really paying much attention to what was going on

"I can't just..ask her out! I have to do something amazing!" He stood up looking at them and then ran off

You were walking down the hall later that day and there was no one, it seemed odd then all you saw was the courtyard it was dark but the beautiful light from the moon shone down making things just beautiful and there was Sirius surrounded by fireflies that spelled your name. He looked over smiling and waved you over

You walked over "S-Sirius" you blushed darkly "did you do that for me?"

He nodded and held out your favourite flower, you took it softly and sat down next to him. Looking at him the glow from the moon and fireflies made Sirius even more handsome.

He took your hand "do me the honours of being mine?" He kissed it softly

You nodded rapidly and kissed him making you fall on top of him, but you didn't stop he loved your tender passionate kiss and you loved his rough and sweet kiss that tasted oddly of candy.

You giggle when you tasted it then you look at him, you stare at each other then just smile

(Requested by @PunchHumanity )

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