Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Best Night of My Life

I was just sitting on the tour bus, in the room that Austin and I share. We had the day off, so we were chilling. I was just in the room listening to Drake because he was my favorite artist. I had been dying to see him in concert forever. He was my celebrity obsession.
I was currently listening to Believe Me when Austin walked in.

"Hey babygirl. How's it going?" He said as he came and sat by me on the bed.
"Good.. Just listening to my second favorite artist." Winking at Austin as I talked
"Who's the first?" Austin smirked
"I don't know. Who is it?" I looked away smiling
"Would that person be... Hmmm... Me?" He asked with the most adorable look on his face.
"You're a pretty good guesser, Mahone." I said while kissing his lips.
"Well the real reason that I came back here was to tell you that I have a surprise for you." He said while standing up.
"And what would that surprise be?" I asked curiously
"You know how we have an off day, today.."
"Yeah" I replied to his statement quickly
"You know how we're staying in Atlanta.." He said as he knew he was leading me on, but not telling me
"Well.. Me, you and the guys are all going to see Drake, tonight. And you, me, and Alex are meeting him." He said with the biggest smile on his face.
"OMG AUSTIN! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said almost in tears.
"Well. I didn't exactly buy the tickets." He said
"Who did?" I probably had a confused look on my face at this point.
"Alex did. He said think of it as a late wedding gift because he didn't know what to get us, so here it is." Austin said.

I hugged Austin and ran out of the bedroom to find Alex. When I saw him, I ran up to him and jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU!" I said with tears running down my face.
"Anything for my favorite people." He said picking me up off the ground and giving me a hug.

The rest of the day, I could not think straight. Austin had to give me a talk to calm me down.

"Can we get there early?" I asked eagerly
"Yeah. Gates for meet and greet open at 3, so when do you want to get there?" Alex asked me.
"One or One Thirty!" I said
"Can you say early bird." I heard from the back of the bus. I couldn't exactly make out who it was.

It was like 11:30 now, so I decided to get ready. I wanted to look my very best. I put on my black shorts and my parental advisory sweat shirt. It was summer, but I didn't care. I wanted to look cute. I French braided my hair in the back and stuck a bow at the top. I did my makeup and packed a bag with some things that I may need. I was ready to go, and we were just waiting for Austin, now. I was tapping my foot, and biting my nails uncontrollably.

"Austin.. Man.. Hurry up. Reagan's gonna have no Nails, and this bus in going to be shaking soon.. HURRY UP!" Zach yelled

I just busted out laughing.
Austin finally walked to the front, and I jumped up and walked towards the door. We walked off the bus, and walked towards the gate. We were like fourth in line. I was satisfied with that.

* an hour and 45 minutes pass*

It is now 3:00, and it is time to enter. We had to walk to a table to get the lanyards and the wristbands. Alex showed his ID because they had to make sure that he was the buyer. We got the lanyards and wristbands and walked to sound check. I was about to pee my pants. I was hella excited. Drake came out and performed a few songs. He then transitioned into question and answer.

"Are there any questions for me today?"
Drake said with his perfect voice

A bunch of girl's hands went up in the air; mine was included. He chose a few girls before he chose me, but finally he called me.

"You. The blonde one with the white shirt. What's your question?" He said looking at me.

For a second I thought I forgot my question, but I finally remembered.

"Can I sing Nicki's part in Moment 4 Life with you?" I asked sweetly
"Yeah of course. Come on up here."

I went up on stage with him and sang. It was the most amazing experience ever. I couldn't believe I had just met Drake. Thank you AC. This was the best night of my life.

Yall.. I loveeeeee Drake. I read over these and I'm forever wishing to meet him. 😍😭


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