Reverse Racism

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White people just love to think that POC can be racist towards them, like wyd.

If you ask them to give you an example the first thing out their mouths is *I 100% guarantee these will be the first examples they pull out of their asses* ie. cracker and whitey.

They clearly have a deluded version of racism, Speaking of versions, they always love to run to the dictionary's definition of racism, I can already tell you some white person wrote the "new" definition of racism, who in their life has never experienced half of what OUR ancestors went through, so how could they possibly know what racism is, when they benefit off of shit their ancestors did to us ?! *cues white person saying "But that was over 100 years ago, you need to let it go!"* No I won't let shit go, my people are suffering from injustice while your people can shoot up a fucking church and not be killed on spot, while an innocent SLEEPING 7 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL IS KILLED BY SOME IGNORANT POLICE OFFICE WHO COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT BLACK LIVES! 

You just want us to forget, so we can get real comfortable, comfortable enough to begin a peaceful slumber and then *SWOOP* you can enslave us again?! I don't mother fucking think so! You got another thing coming if you think I'm about to be resting! #STAYWOKE

PS.If you want to be an ignorant coon on social media don't even bother coming in my mentions.

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