Chapter 4

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"Mommy, Mommy wake up", Jo Jo screamed jumping up and down on my bed. I popped up out of my sleep and looked at him. "What's wrong", I said beginning to worry. "Daddy's here, he's here mommy", Jo Jo said. "Where", I asked him. "Downstairs, he told me not to wake you up but I just couldn't help it", he said with the biggest smile on his face. "Okay", I said rolling out of bed. Walking out of my room the smell of bacon hit my nose. I went downstairs, and walked into the kitchen. Buddy was turned around facing the stove.

"Hi Buddy", I said. He turned around and he looked different. He grew out his hair and he even had a bread. 'He looked so sexy', I thought. I quickly came back down to earth from my thoughts. "Hey", he smiled. He turned back around and continued making breakfast. I tried to get on the chair and almost gave up until I finally got on there. Buddy was finally done and everybody was ready to eat. "Wait, wait, wait, we have to thank god first", I said. We said our prayer and than began to dig in. "Daddy I missed you so much, I even had dreams about the day you would come back", Jo Jo said. "Oh yeah little man, well I can't wait to make the dreams come true", Buddy said smiling t Jo Jo.

Once Jo Jo was finished, I told him to go get cleaned up. Buddy and I were alone. "So that's all your going to do is stare", he said. I rolled my eyes, "Buddy I don't need this", I said. "I fucking love you, why are you treating me like this", he said getting closer to me. "Well obviously not, because if you aren't willing to get out of the game for not only me but for you son and daughter then you must not love us enough", I said. "It's not that easy, you can't expect me to just drop my money and go back to being normal", he said, "It takes time". "Well how much fucking time do you need before I get that phone call telling me you were found dead in some alley somewhere", I screamed.

He looked down. "Right, so now you have nothing to say to me huh", I said. "I love you with all my heart and I can't sit here and take this  bullshit no more. You don't realize that the shit you do effects everybody. My fucking son was crying for nights because he seen he dad being token away from him. Do you know it feels to see your child cry, and you can't do shit about it", I said yelling. I didn't even know I was crying until I tasted one of my salty tears. "I almost lost the baby because of all this dumb ass stress, I moved here to escape it. And now my fucking step dad is coming back around and the love of my life can't even do one simple thing that I ask him to do", I said. "I want you out", I said pointing to the door. "London I-", I cut him off, "GET OUT", I screamed.

He walked pass me and then stopped. "You know what no, I am not fucking leaving you no more. I just spent 8 months without you. Without you by my side, without me holding you, or making love to you. I'm not leaving. You want me to drop the thug life than so be it, I will", he said hugging me from behind. "Just don't let me go because I can't imagine living my life without you", he said kissing my neck. I let out a breath. That's what I needed to hear.

He lead us into the living room and we snuggled together. "Now what happened with your step-dad", he asked. I froze, "He came here last night", I said, "And we talked and he wants to take Jo Jo",  I said about the to cry. "Shh, he's not going to take him away from you. I wouldn't dare let him", he said rocking me back and forth. "Buddy I haven't been completely honest with you", I said lifting my head up. "Okay, what's up", he said. "My step- dad and I used to  be lovers, he was actually my first love", I said. "It started out innocent but then he talked me into having sex with him. He said if you really love me you would do anything for me. I was so dumb I wish I could take it back. I felt so bad afterwards and when he tried to do it again I told him no. Then we got into a big ass argument and he kept screaming I know you didn't love me your just like your how ass mama. Then he told me he was going to teach me  a lesson. So when I tried to leave he beat me until I was unconscious. When I woke up I was hurting so bad and I screamed for my mama and she didn't help me", I said finally breaking down.  

Buddy held me so tight while I cried on his shoulder. "I'm s sorry Buddy", I said. "Shh, it's okay", he said. I went to sleep in his arms.

Buddy pov.

I carried her into her room and kissed her forehead. 'My poor baby', I thought. I walked out of her room and went towards Jo Jo's and he was watching TV. "Are you and mommy done fighting now", he asked. I chuckled and said yes. "So what you wanna do today little man", I asked him sitting next to him. "I wanna go race car driving", he said. "Okay we can go and how about we take your mom out to eat afterwards", I said. He shook his head yes wildly. "Okay go get dressed and I'll go tell your mom", I said walking out of his room. As I entered her room she was peacefully sleeping and I didn't want to wake her so I just wrote her a note.

Dear baby,

I'm taking Jo Jo out racing and afterwards we're going out to dinner. so be ready at 7 and your favorite men in the world are going to come pick you up. Dress nicely too.

Love, Buddy

I placed the note on her dresser and kissed her forehead. Afterwards, I started getting ready. I packed a bag from home. I just threw on a blue polo shirt and some white shorts. I walked into Jo Jo's room and seen him putting on his shoes which were white vans. He had on the same exact outfit on as me, "You trying jock my style", I said to him smiling. He giggled, "Naw you just trying be like me pops", he said. I laughed and shook my head, "Lets go son", I said, and with that we walked out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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