How did you know i was here?

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*drives to work and checks Sat nav* Ok, so I should be here in less than 10 minutes sooooo I'm gonna turn on the radio* that's so true by Gracie Abrams starts playing * OMG!!! I love this song like so so much it's unreal, I shall sing my heart out to it all!!! Hmm, sooooo I'm now 5 minutes away which is amazing because today they said that there was gonna be traffic but I guess not. *Arrives to work* Hey Mandy, Hey Barb, Hey Andrew! * Says Mandy* Heyyyy Jaqueline, could you please go to Book row 24 for me please! Ok Mandy, ill go there and check out whatever is there, don't tell me that someone mixed up the Adult romance books with Teen Romance books again, for goodness sakes, oh well( Also Book row 24 is my fav because Its Caleb's Basketball jersey Number and it holds some of, personally, my favourite Romace books of all time ) and As I walk over in my dress, Taylor swift cardigan and bow flats, I look up and panic rushes to my face and then I spoke... C...Caleb how did you know that I worked here??? Well I was on my daily jogging preparing for the next game because Not gonna lie, Jogging always calms me down for some reason anyways then I turned to look at this particular bookstore and I just so happened to spot you (She looked So good with her hair tied back with that baby blue ribbon) so yeah! *He chuckles and smiles whilst ruffling his hair* Thats a very suspicious yet convincing story Caleb*I start laughing and I spot him looking at me but I ignore it but deep down I want to know what he means by this*
Anyways, what book were you looking for perhaps? *He speaks* Im looking for Whispers for the Fiery night *He starts to smirk but hides it * Caleb... you have got to be joking *Oh shit, so he has Seen my bookshelf, well this is gonna be awkward* * I direct him to Book row 21* here you go Sir. *He speaks* Calling me Sir now are we* he jokes*. (We both just burst in full of laughter, our stomachs hurting so badly and people are looking at us like they've just seen a ghost) Oh Caleb, I love how you never fail to make me laugh no matter what lol. Well Jazz, that's my duty I shall forever fulfil. Anyways, my shift ends soon so I'll see you at mine right?( I was counting the days til he'd go to my house for that sleepover but not gonna lie maybe me going to prom with Brandon isn't so bad after all , Maybe he genuinely likes me?) See ya later Jazzy. See you later Caleb! *Caleb's mind *( Not gonna lie, I am pretty excited for my Sleepover with Jack, i don't think people call it that anymore but oh well, mostly I'm excited because I get to see Jazzy, if only she knew that I WAS THE ONE TO PUT THE NOTE IN HER LOCKER, ugh I'm so stupid for not telling her and letting this Lie linger on because Brandon will hurt her and it will all be my fault and I wish that I hadn't asked out Angelica because to be honest, I never really liked her, she was just too... Snobby and Rude and Mean, I regret all my decisions but right now I need to focus on how to get back my girl, well she's not my girl but you get it and to beat Bridgestone High in the Nearest Upcoming game and take home the trophy !!!and to focus on final exams because I really need to focus as I need to graduate but thanks to Jazz tutoring me, I'm finally getting A'S and B'S on my tests which for once, I'm actually proud of myself for and I'm very thankful for her help, Like immensely thankful, without her, I'd be kicked off the Basketball team and then would never get scouted like EVER!

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