Hospital again

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Austin pov
I woke up to an unfamiliar room.
I was on a bed with a crappy TV on the wall.
I lifted up and fell right back down.
"oww"i said to myself
"Don't do that" a voice said
I looked over to see alex sitting in a chair. I said "what happened"
Alex said"I called your name to get more ammo, and you looked at me and a guy shot you in you arm. You looked in shocked and fell. I looked at you and talked to the guys on the ear piece and said "men down Men DOWN"
They rushed over there and helped me help you back to the car and took all the weopon off you drove you to the hospidal"
I look at my phone" text her" Alex said
"I can't" I said
"Because of the stalker"
I noded
"I think its Francis"
Alex pulled out the note from his pocket.
Alex said" I don't think it was a threaten note, it was more like a warning"
I said "what do you mean"
"There not trying to hurt you or Ashley, there trying to protect you"

Who To Choose: Jake Miller or Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now