While Raphael was drifting off in space all lazily and relaxing.
Raphael: I finally found my universe. Can't believe I thought I would have to destroy this planet and universe. But who thought me meeting a bunch demons, getting into a relationship with demons, and having sex for the first time with demons could change my mind. Nothing can ruin this for me.
Suddenly, a pulse of energy disrupted the stillness, and Raphael’s gaze snapped to the source. Emerging from the swirling void was a figure of overwhelming power—Molecule Man. He radiated an intensity that warped reality around him.
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Molecule man: where are you, Raphael?
Molecule Man demanded, his voice resonating with forceful authority.
Startled, Raphael squinted against the brightness, confusion etched across his face.
Raphael: molecule man? What are you doing here? What do you want?
Molecule man: to kill you.
Raphael: kill me? For what free roaming?
Molecule man: Free? No one is free when there are Beyonders like you running wild.
Molecule Man spat, his eyes narrowing.
Molecule man: I’m hunting down every Beyonder in every multiverse. You’re no different from the rest.
Raphael: kinda am. I am stronger than most beyonders. So either you fly your weird face ass away. Or I can give you the beating of your life.
Molecule man: is that so?
Molecule Man unleashed a fierce blast of energy, the intensity blinding. The force slammed into Raphael, sending him spiraling away, his body colliding with a nearby asteroid field. Debris scattered in all directions as he fought to recover, gasping for breath.
Molecule man: Is this the best you can do?
Molecule Man taunted, his voice echoing ominously.
Molecule man: You’ve already lost the moment you crossed paths with me!
Pushing himself to his feet, Raphael’s mind raced.
Raphael: How can you be this powerful?
he shouted, confusion and desperation mingling in his voice.
Raphael: You’re not invincible!
Molecule man: I am now!
Molecule Man replied, eyes gleaming with madness.
Molecule man: with the combined powers of countless Beyonders, I’ve transcended the limits of existence. You’re just another stepping stone on my path to domination!
With a flick of his wrist, Molecule Man conjured tendrils of energy, lashing out at Raphael. The tendrils wrapped around him, constricting like iron chains, and Raphael felt the weight of their force. Trying to break free, he summoned his own energy, pushing back with all his might—but Molecule Man only intensified his grip.