Ch.1 Frank Castles Death

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I remember the last words I said to my son Brian Castle, " as I slowly faded to nothing but darkness.

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! DAD PLEASE WAKE UP (tearing up) DONT LEAVE ME DAD PLEASE!!!! Dadddddddd!!!!!!!!

(The sound of Nurses and doctors rushing in)

3 days before the death

Son! Come get me and your mother a beer from the fridge please! Ok! Says,Brian. As Brian goes to get the beers, he hears tires screeching and sees cars pulling up fast to their house driveway. Dad! There's people here! (Man busts through the door and shoots at Brian leaving him with a gun shot to the arm) ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Frank, that's Brian's scream!!!!! Frank runs to get his 44 magnam that was under his table he starts shooting at the men who came to kill him, and was shot in the shoulder then again at his leg then they killed his wife shooting her in the head. Brian was sliced to his forehead down to his eye then to his cheek, leaving a red line down his right eye. Frank was shot 36 times then finally gave up on the 40th and started loosing a massive amount of blood. Brian still trying to fight back but failed when he was shot in the chest sending him flying through a window. After the gang killed everyone, they left. Luckily Brian was still alive with a gun shot to the arm then gut and a slashed eye. Aghhhhh!!!!! Dad!!!! Mom?!?!? Please answer me!!!!

3 days later
I'm laying in the hospital looking at the ceiling hearing the news on the tv saying my name and my dad and moms name as well, I was visited by my best friend jasmyn. We've been friends for a long time. She's been supporting me through this horror. My dad, frank hasn't woke up yet and sadly my mom was dead. I couldn't make it to her funeral. Mr.castle you have a visitor. Let me come in. He's waiting for you,as the nurse says." Hey brian". It was jasmyn. Hey jaz ( that was her nickname that I call her as). So how do you feel. I feel like shit still. Oh sorry I just care for you so much I hate seeing you like this,(starts tearing up). It's ok, and I thank you for caring. Come here and give me a hug. Ok. (Wipes her tears). You know I have something to say but I never knew how to tell you. Well what is it?,says jasmyn. Well I kinda like..... Um kinda like what Brian? Y-You, um I like really liked you ever since I met you. Oh.(blushes hard) Um,I like you too Brian. Wait-what?!?! Since when?!? Same as you, jasmyn giggles. Your so cute when you giggle. (Blushes even harder) Well when I get out of here I wanna take you out on a date. Hey,'s your dad? (Sighs) idk I hear he's next door, but I don't want to disturb him. Oh comon Brian he's your dad, he needs you by his side like what he did with you when you broke your arm remember at age 8, lol you fell from a tree. Yeah well hurt like hell. But u can't laugh cause u fell off your own bike at age 6 remember. Wow, you just had to remember, she giggles. Well I guess I'll visit him right now. (As he here's nurses rushing into franks room Brian slowly catching up and jasmyn helping him walk to his room he saw that his father was dying, of heart failure from all those shots he took) DAD!!! Mr.castle we can't let you in there. That's my father you son of a bitch let me in!!!!! No I'm sorry Mr.castle, now please can you go..... Brian punches the doctors face and rushes in. He sees his dad suffering from blood lose, then frank notices his son standing there shocked and scared to move, but he finally threw himself in the rail of his hospital bed. NOOOOOO!!!!!!! DAD PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. Son.....I wanna....T-tell you.....something..... Yeah I'm listening what is it. I-I.......L-Love.......You
As frank slowly closes his eyes and fades.

(The sound of nurses and doctors rushing in)
After 3 hours of crying while jasmyn was there holding Brian's hand,then. Mr.castle, I'm afraid your father didn't make it through the surgery in time and I'm...afraid he passed. I'm so sorry Mr.Castle, we tried everything we could to save your father. It's ok thank you for doing everything you can, and can u apologize to that doctor I punched earlier for me, I feel bad I hit him to hard. I'll surely will. The doctor now waking off and Jasmyn helps Brian get back to his room in the hospital. Agh, here you go all set. Thank you Jasmyn, still holding her hand tightly. Brian...I'm... Don't be I'm the one that should be sorry, I'm the one that should die, cause I didn't get to see my own father, before he died,(starts crying loudly). IM A CRUEL PERSON, I've should be punished!!!! Brian don't say that I love you ok, you didn't do anything wrong I know you didn't get to see your father but, he will always be in your heart and looking after you in the heavens above. I PROMISE YOU OK BRIAN! Thank you, I love yo..... (Jasmyn cut off Brian with a hard kiss to his lips and brought heat to both Jasmyn and Brian, then Brian kissed back, and Jasmyn blushed hard). I'll be here for as long as you need me ok. I'll never leave you, you'll always be in my heart ok, please don't cry, Brian I love you. I love you too. Um I'm sorry Mr. Castle but Ms.jasmyn visiting hours are over you need to leave its getting late sweetie. Ok sorry mam, just give me 5 mins and I'll be out of here. Ok. I'm sorry Brian but I gotta go. Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then? Of course. Ok tomorrow it is. I love you. I love you too. As they kissed each other good bye, a nurse came in, Mr. Castle, there's an important man here to see you. Ok um let him in. 15 mins that's all you get. 15 mins is all I need mam. A man with a black suit sat next to me and told m, "your franks kid right"? Yes I am, who are you may I ask? Of course, my name is Jack Harper. I'm your fathers partner. Partner? Oh he didn't tell you. What, what didn't he tell me. Wow kid, your dad was a serious man, he liked helping people not like a, hero. A hero? What kind of hero? Just a hero, but I got a question for you. What is it? Do you know who the Punisher is?

A/N this is ch.1 from my new story The Punisher Legacy, hoped you liked it, credit for @Onlyamonst3r for reading his book and inspired me to write one
Stay awesome :D

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